dally x y/n: alphabet fluff 🥰🥰

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A: activity

I personally feel like dally would do anything u want. Sure he wouldn't like it, but he's gonna do if it makes u happy. For example: u picking flowers, baking, sewing.. anything

B: beauty

I feel like he would be mesmerized by ur smiling face, and how ur eyes just shine. Find u activity in interest- seeing ur beautiful smile and all happy. His heart is smitten.

C: comfort

I personally feel like dally would try his best, although his mean, aggressive, and cold outside may not seem to care; but deep down inside he dose. I think dally would hold u close and gently rub up ur back; he'd kiss ur forehead and whisper in ur ear. He's not gonna let u go until ur better.

D: dreams

I think he would imagine himself being married to, having a personal home, maybe kids. If u want kids. (They might make his hair grey) have darry and the others come over for dinner, having privacy when yall are intimate.

E: equal

He's the dominant one. He's wearing the pants, but there are times that he's gonna let u dominant. But other than u having ur dominance, he's wear the pants

F: fight

Of course never a fist fight. If he put his hands on u- oh he's dead. But if ur having a argument depending on the situation. But overall, if he makes u sad, or cry.. he's gonna feel guilty about it and so he's gonna apologize and hold u. And of course u still be mad or sad, but he hopes you'll forgive him (he's gonna fuck u stupid, make up sex)

G: gratitude

He's gonna appreciate at u. I personally feel like, that from how he is- he thinks that nobody wants to be bothered with him or want him. But u loving on him, and doing simple thing makes him feel live and wanted. It could be anything. Like something u work ur hardest on. Like making him fingerless gloves, or u had something made... he's gonna love it. For life.

H: honesty

I personally feel like u to will share ur secrets, almost everything. What's a relationship without honesty? It could be anything. Past relationships anything. He trust u.

I: inspiration

Me personally, I think u change him alot. Before yall met he'd steal, robbed anything or anyone, but after he met u.. he changed. Although he was grown and older than u- but ur presences, ur scolding, fussing and ur dramatic tears really did work. Now he's just as gentle as a lamb.

J: jealousy

Yep. 100% he's gonna get jealous, if anyone he don't know come talkin and flirting with u.. yep he's jealous. He's the only one should be the only one doing that.

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