dally x mermaid fem y/n: 💗☺two worlds apart 💗☺ pt2

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Y/n p.o.v

After my first kiss with dally, I went home and just felt in pure bliss. I wish I had legs. Although I was going against everything my people say, it felt so right. For it to be so wrong. But I want him... I need him in my life. I fliped my tale in excited and I just squeal happily in my pillow; I can't get enough of him. My mom came in asking y I'm so happy, but I couldn't tell her that I'm in love with a human.

"Nothin, it's just- I finally kissed my admirer."

I practically squeal again in happiness. I felt the end of my bed sink; when my mom sat beside me.

"Sweetheart.. I want u to tell me honesty." (Mom)


"Is ur "admirer" a human?" (Mom)

I didn't look at say anything but look at her in shock, I then looked down at my pillow and put my face in it- I felt her gently hand rub up and down my back. I gave her the side eye, and she just smiled.

"If u love him, then u love him" (mom)

"Hiw did u know?"

"I'm ur mom I know" (mom)

"But what would dad think?"

"Don't worry about him, believe it or not.. ur dad was human." (Mom)

My mind was blown, dad was human? I sat up looking at her, as my tail brushed against the floor. Mom only smiled and sighed.

"Then why does dad don't like humans, if he was human?"

"Long story baby.. but if u love ur mystery man, then go for it." (Mom)

After our conversation, mom left my room and I was shock, confused, and just- idk. But I left my room and went to me and dallys usual spot; of course itw night he'd wouldn't be here, but I decided to stay here. But then I ended up falling asleep; hopefully he'll show up.

Dally p.o.v

After a rumble I had a feeling that y/n was at our normal spot; I told the others that I'd be at Buck's tonight, and My feet instantly began walking in the direction of the river; in the forest. When I got there I saw y/n sleeping on small rock. She's too cute. I quietly sat down on dry grass and gently held her hand, my mind began to wonder as I looked at her sleeping.

"Look at her~ I'd do anything for her, I'll trade my legs for a take for her~"

I smiled softly as she slept, and my hand still holding hers. It didn't take long before she woke up; when she noticed me- her eyes light up, and her smile.. 💘💘💘💘

"Dally~" (y/n)

"Hi love~ what are u doing out here this late?"

"I wanted to see u~" (y/n)

"I had a feeling you'd be here~"

"Dally~.. I love u~" (y/n)

"I love u too~"

She leaned up close to me, and her lips gently kissed mine. My arms wrapped around her waist; pulling her close to me. Y/n then pinned me down on the ground still kissing my lips- although her wet body and tale was making my clothes wet I didn't care. She kissed me breathless and I did want to let her go, she blushed as her small hand went up my shirt touching my chest.

As much as I wanted to- I had to ask her something important.

"Doll, I love u~ but I need to ask u something~"

"Yea?" (Y/n)

I gently took her hand as we both sat on the dry grass- y/n's hands were soft and warm. I see her blushing face, and blushed myself.

"Y/n, the day u appeared in my life, I had a feeling that things; wasn't gonna be the same again. I don't think I could live without, I need u in my life. Regardless of a tale or legs. But I have to ask u- my love.. will u marry me?"

Y/n p.o.v

My face started burning with blush; and my heart began to flutter- looking at the ring I the box, then back at him. I instantly said yes.


Dally placed the ring on my finger, and kissed me. Those lips of his was so soft, I could kiss him all my life. Of course I kissed him back; having the moon light shine on us made this so magical, with the fireflies making it perfect. We pulled away and I hugged him close, it felt as if I had legs. But I didn't. I looked at dally in his eyes, as he caressed my cheek.

"Dally.. but i-"

"I know we're different, but we'll work it out." (Dally)

I instantly kissed him again. Damn. I love this man.



I hope yall enjoy this story and this was requested

(Shout-out to u 💜🌟💜🌟💜🌟💜)

(I also forgot who requested part 2. Sorry.)

But anyway I hope yall enjoy this story, and if yall want part 3 don't forget to follow, leave a comment, and vote for more craziness. Yall come back now. And if yall got any requests go ahead and drop them in the comments.

I love each and everyone of yall: ✌💗

All yall my babies 💋.

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