Steve x male y/n: 🥺🥺u lied to me🥺🥺

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Steve p.o.v

It's been 4 years, 6 months, 25 hours, and 4 minutes since I last seen y/n. Apparently he went into the service and I was left alone; he said he'd be back- but he didn't come home for the holidays. I was so scared all of a sudden, the others tried to comfort me but.... it's hard. I felt empty. I did go into rumbles like i used too; just stuck there.. I was lazily laying on the couch, looking up at the ceiling thinking- but I was interrupted when darry and two-bit came in.

I sat up looking at them when the closed the door behind, still feeling empty I layed back down. They both tried to get me to go out for fresh air; but what's the point when y/n is here. Of course. But I tried not to think of it, and headed off to work. It felt like something was being pulled out of me. Although he was far away I still feel close to him. Although I was sad, I was mad with him.

Y/n just up and left, without saying a word. Like I didn't exist. I woke up in bed and he was gone; all he left was a letter on his pillow. He could've at least talk to me about it; but no. Y/n just left me. My thoughts got the best of me, and I accidentally twisted a bolt to hard with the wrench and broke it. I sighed and sat down in front of the car I was fixing. I never thought I'd cry. But I did. I just cried, and hope he'd come home.

Y/n p.o.v

4 years passed by and I misses the gang, but I missed Steve the most. I know he's probably still mad, sad with me, but- I have too. I had my diploma but, no job was paying me enough to buy us out own house. But that's no excuse of why I up and left. Steve was everything to me- and I regret leaving without talking to him about it.

The thoughts ran through my mind as I looked at myself in the mirror, and put on my uniform. I loved him dearly, but I hurt him. This wasn't easy for me either; I missed his smile, laugh, scolding, and how I used to hold him at night. While the thoughts of him ran threw my mind, I shed a tear. I was holding back my tears for a long time.

But my commander came in my bunker and told me to get ready; I had to obey his orders. So.... I grabbed my rifle and headed out. As I walked out- my life flashed before my eyes. And I did cry a lil; heading into war with a guilt and sorrow.

"I'm sorry Steve..I'm sorry"

As I climbed onto the back of the truck, my feet dangle off the edge and I put my rifle beside me. Putting my head down was the only way I'd be able to cry- I messed up. Now I have to live with it.

Steve p.o.v

As the day turn into night, they finally dragged me outside to get some air. The crisp breeze blowing against my face; soda wrapped his arm around the back of my neck- I looked up at him with sadness and worry.

"It's okay... he'll be back." (Soda)

"I know, but it's hard.."

"I know, but ur gonna be okay.. it might take a while, but yall gonna be okay." (Soda)

While I took in sodas comfort, they tried making me feel better. Darry and the others brought me to a carnival; I looked around seeing the food courts, games, and etc.

(Idk I never been to a carnival, let's roll with it)

Of course dally went to the shooting ducks, two-bit brought me to ring toss. I didn't wanna play till I saw a stiff animal.

(ur favorite)

That's y/n favorite animal. So I played ring toss till I won the prize, and it was huge. Soda and pony was apple boding, while Johnny had darry was playing wack a mole.

But ofc dally started shooting pellets at the game host, so johnny used the mallet and hit him with it. This made me laugh; for the first time in a long time. But I did have fun at the carnival. Y/n would've been having fun too, but in my heart that he'll be home soon.

Y/n p.o.v

As the night sky spread across the sky, I was on a boat traveling over seas to another country. The water beneath the boat rocked back and forth; making tiny currents. I sat on the bottom of a bunkbed thinking- of how much of a idiot I am. I was scared. War wasn't what I was afraid of; the feeling of knowing... what Steve was going through right now. I promised myself when I come I'll fix this.

Why? Why did I leave? Was it to have money in my pocket? Was it to escape? To escape Steve's fury when I tell him.... I- cheated. For 3 months straight. I actually burst into tears knowing that I messed up- I fucked up bad.

"Why? Why? WHY!?"

I asked myself, and before I could think.. I accidentally put a dent in the steel wall when I punched it.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry"

I dropped to my knees and cried in my hands, I fucked up... big time.



Well I hope yall enjoy this story. I made this for fun, and if yall want pt 2 don't forget to follow, leave a comment and vote for more craziness. Yall come back now. And if yall got any requests go ahead and drop them in the comments.

I love each and everyone of yall: ✌💗

All yall my babies 💋.

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