dally x y/n: jealousy 😥😠 pt 2

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Y/n p.o.v

I was sitting at the kitchen table, crying in silence while I hold dallys wedding ring. Right now my marriage was on the rocks, and I didn't know what to do. As I held the ring in my hand, I heard pony and johnny come down the stairs. I tried not to make eye contact, but my expression spoke for me.

"Y/n what's worng?" (Pony)


"Don't lie, I could hear u and dally fightin." (Johnny)

I didn't say anything but look at dallys ring balled up in the hand, they sat down at the table with me. I looked at them, and they looked at me with a stern expression.

"He walked out didn't he?" (Johnny)


"Imma slap u." (Pony)

"Imma kill u dead." (Johnny)


"U got a good man, now u need to fix this." (Pony)

"I know."

"Well do it." (Johnny)

"If I could I would."

"If? If? There's no (if)..if u love him you'd fix it. No hesitation." (Johnny)


"Hush. U NEED to fix this and save ur marriage." (Pony)

"I'm don't know how."

"Bitch.." (Johnny)

"He's not listen with jealousy."

"Who wouldn't be jealous, ur spending time with ur cousin more than ur husband. U married him 3 years ago, he's ur family too." (Pony)

"Okay, since u dumb...how would u feel if I was married to u; but I'm spending time with my siblings more than I should be spending time with u?" (Johnny)

I went silent, and clenched onto dallys ring. They was right. Dally was right. I've been selfish, unfair, neglectful, and down right hurtful. I wiped my tears away from my cheek, I love my husband. And I have to fix this, I put dallys ring in my pocket and got up from the kitchen table; I told them I'll be out for a while, and I'll be back soon. It was freezing cold outside, the weather man called for a blizzard; but I can't turn back now.

If I know my husband by heart, I know he would go to Buck's for a drink. I headed over to Buck's, in the freezing cold. Buck's was half way across town, but I'm not letting that stop me. My marriage is important to me, and so is my husband.

Dally p.o.v

I was at Buck's sitting at the counter, drinking a beer bottle. This was my 3rd bottle in one night, I looked at my ringer finger; and it looked so empty. As much as I love y/n, they're choosing someone I never met over me. I sighed thinking about it, I took another sip of my beer; and put my head down. The music was loud, ans everyone dancing. I never did thought it would be the day I would cry. I cried in silence thinking about the person I love; one side of me say sign divorce papers. And the other half of me say no.

My mind was cluttered with thoughts, I'm not planning to get drunk so I had 3. After my beer bottle was empty I held onto the bottle, I sighed picking my head up. Listening to the blasting music.

"Y/n.." (I thought to myself)

"Hey handsome~ u here alone~" (Rochelle)

I turned to my right to see some thot tryin get my attention; I turned to face her and looked at her..I had to admit she was pretty. But I love y/n more. She introduced herself as Rochelle, she was the towns thot; and I don't find her attractive as I found y/n, but right now...I'm a lil tipsy.

"That depends, why u wanna know?"

"I'm just askin, cuz u look stressed and I thought I could make u feel better~" (Rochelle)

She gently squeezed my arm, and looked at me in my eyes. With her smiling face she got closer, coming on to me. But I pulled my arm away; she smirked and sat beside me.

"Oh come darling~ we can go somewhere and have fun~." (Rochelle)

"Sorry daring I'm a married man."

"Well I don't see a ring on ur finger~" (Rochelle)

I didn't reply, and she chuckled. Her hand touched my arm again, and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Look, I'm not into cheatin on my spouse."

"If ur a married man, why isn't they here with u?~" (Rochelle)

I didn't reply again, but look down. She then got up from her chair; and gave me her hotel address, and number. She told me to call her when I changed my mind, I watched her leave and I looked at her hotel address; I didnt day anything but look at it. One side say go for it, and the other side day don't.

Hearing my own self debate made me aggravated, I payed for my beer and left Buck's. I stepped into the cold street, and looked at the hotel address. My feet started walking automatic, and I found myself in front of the hotel building. My conscious was telling me go home, turn around, leave, don't do it. I sighed and walked into the hotel building, I checked myself in and looked the hotel room number.

"I guess I should pay a visit~"

I got in the elevator, and hit the 4th floor and put the card in my pocket. As the elevator went up to the 4th floor, pics of y/n flashed through my mind. As I made it to the 4th floor, the elevator doors open..was this my answer? To make y/n cry? To make it worse? Before the elevator doors closed again, I got off on the 4th floor. Looking at the hotel number again; I made my way to her hotel room.

I stood I'm front of her door, and sighed. Everything was like it was in slow motion, I raised my hand to knock on the door, but it opened. She stood in front of me and smirked.

"Well looks like I finally convince u, come in~" (Rochelle)

As she walked back into her apartment wearing lingerie, I was froze stiff for a moment. But I found myself walking into her apartment, everything was slow motion. Not because I'm tipsy...I'm about to do something that would change my life for ever.



Well I hope yall enjoy this story, and if yall want part 3, u know what to do. Don't forget to follow, leave a comment, and vote for more craziness. I saw the comments, and I delivered. So if yall want pt 3 for the ending, I need the comments and vote. But I wanna thank yall for the prayers yall send when I need my aunt was sick.

She's doing g a lot better thank yall so much, and I love each and everyone of yall: ✌💕

All yall my babies 💋.

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