Dally x fem y/n: 🤍lets fix this🤍

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Dally p.o.v

I couldn't believe this. It's 6:00 in the morning and y/n still ain't home. Y/n's a party animal and probably still at Buck's. As I walked down the street into town I had a strange, and bad feeling that something was gonna happen. When I got to Buck's I scan the crowds looking for her; walking by people I barley knew. I'd looked up seeing y/n holding a drink, I sighed and shake my head. But I gave a small smile. That she's a party animal.

I was close to approaching her, but I stop in my tracks when I saw her kissing another man; I felt everything around me falling apart. I was confused about how to feel- I know she's drunk and don't know what's going on; but I couldn't watch this. I walked up to her, and pulled her away from this strange man. Although y/n was still drunk I can hear her mumbling; and saying random shit. I took her home before she didn't anything she might regret later.

Went came home and y/n fell asleep; I know she was drunk but seeing her kiss someone else broke my heart completely, I washed her up, and changed y/n's clothes. Once she was cleaned up I put her in bed. I went downstairs with a mind full and a heart broken; and sat on the couch. I know y/n was drunk and it was a accident but, but it still hurts. I ended up falling asleep on the couch and woke up hearing lil mumbling.

Still sleepy, I sat up to see y/n put a ice pack on their head. I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes- y/n groaned in agony. Probably a hang over. She stumbled around till they sat at the kitchen table.

"U okay?"

"N- no, head is gonna bust open." (Y/n)

I got up and gave her some water and pain killers; she took the medicine and put her head down. I sat down across from her and held her hand, I knew it wasn't the best time but I had to...y/n looked at me with pain and sorrow. She always was a party animal and drinks a lot when she's having fun; but I had to tell her.

"Y/n.. we need to talk about something."

"What is it? *groans* my head. What happened last night?" (Y/n)

I paused before answering but I eventually spoke up. And every word hurt me, like a knife cutting me all over.

"U were drunk at Buck's last night. And I had to come get u."

"Oh.." (y/n)

"And u were..kissing someone else."

They paused before speaking- I can see the guilt and sorrow in their eyes. I looked away not able to say anything else, I know it was an accident but I couldn't stop thinking about it. Y/n held my hand across the table and apologized. But... I didn't have anything else to say.

"Y/n I told u not to go to Buck's parties if u can control ur drinking."

"I know, but I didn't think- *groan* had that many." (Y/n)

I sighed as we talked, and this conversation turned into a argument. After our argument-

"Dally I said I was sorry." (Y/n)

"Y/n how do u expect me to let it go?"

"I said it was a accident, no one's perfect." (Y/n)

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