Steve x fem y/n: 💍🎂happy bday🎂💍

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Y/n p.o.v

Today was April 15th, Steve's big day. Today he turned 18. I'm so proud of my boo 💛.  I wanted to make this day special for him- I went out and bought some pastures like cupcakes, donuts, etc.. and made home made chocolates. I had to remind the others that it's his bday, but they were a step a head of me. Darry already had the cake made, dally got the liquor-, johnny, pony and two-bit had the decorations ready. I sighed but smiled I'm approval. Cuz we're not running around like a chicken with its head chopped off; I had to keep the others from the sweets.

Steve was still at work when soda came in- soda came I with gifts. He bought steve the gifts, but we call dibs on a gift- wrote a letter and put it ontop of the gift.. so as if we bought a individual gift. But my gift was special. I know they say girls can't do this but, I will. I reached in my pocket and pulled out the diamond ring; I wanna ask steve to marry me. I blushed and giggled, this ring cost me a fortune. I hope he likes it- now that everything was ready all was missing was Steve.

"Hey soda, when Steve coming home?"

"I actually don't know, he got a late shift." (Soda)

I sighed and hope he'd come home soon. I really did love him and I wanted him to know that, if he except my proposal.

Steve p.o.v

I know today was my bday, and I was working but- this was also I can use to help me think of a way to ask y/n to marry me; we've been together for 2 years and I can't wait anymore. I was underneath the hood of a car fixing a motor when the ring was about to fall out my shirt pocket; I took the ring out my shirt pocket and put it in my pants pocket- after working I wiped my hand on rag to get the grease off my hand, I reached in my pocket to see if the ring was there- but it was a lil greasy with car oil.

"Damn it."

I went into the bathroom and washed the ring off, I cleaned every inch and make sure the ring was clean. /his ring caused a fortune. And didn't cheap out for this, this ain't something you'll get out the bubble gum machine. I saved my money after me and y/n started dating- and I did take some soc money out there wallets if they were knocked out in a rumble- and soc got a lot of money. Anyway I cleaned the oil off the ring, and made sure to keep it in my pocket.

I stepped out the bathroom and looked at the clock..9:51. I'm not staying here anymore, I'm going home to y/n. Her chubby cheeks, her beautiful smile, her cute giggle.. I can't get enough of her. I got in my car and drive to the Curtis house like usual, but before I got out I had to make sure the ring was in my pocket- still there. I sighed in relief and I got out the car. I smiled knowing that y/n was on the other side of the door.

When I opened the door and stepped inside I was greeted with a hug from her; she smiled as she hugged me, I hugged her in return and kissed her forehead. Afterwards I opened my gifts and had some cake, but after it all I got my first shot of liquor. Liquor ain't like beer so that don't count; they say liquor will burn when u swallow it down, I decided not to think of it a chug it. But I ended up spitting it out cuz it burned. They all laughed and seeing y/n's face light up with laugher, was the best part.

While the others talk and do whatever, I asked y/n to go on a lil trip with me. They agreed and I put my plan in motion.

Y/n p.o.v

Steve opened the passenger door for me to get in, after I did he shut the door and went on the driver's side and got in; I smiled and blushed a lil thinking how I would tell him. He cranked the car and back out the driveway- I had no idea where we were going but it's worth it. Steve drove from the greaser side, and passed by the soc side. We were practically in forest, the tress surrounding us and I blushed when I realized, this was the spot where we first met. I was hiding from soc and Steve was sitting under a tree to clear his mind.

He parked the car and got out, he went to my side and opened my car door- he gently took my hand as I got out the car. He then gently lead me to a river and a boat tied to a tree. Although the moon light made everything shine brighter, we approached the boat and he let me on first. I blushed looking up at him as I sat down- he untied the boat string and got on after.

(Let's wrap it up)

He paddle us down the river with fireflies flying making it magical- he then stopped rowing and held my hand.

"Y/n. I wanna ask u something important." (Steve)

"I- I do too."

We blushed and smiled. He took my hand and kissed it, we both ended up asking each other the same time.

"Will u marry me?"

"Will u marry me?" (Steve)

We blushed in realization and we both answered each other at the same time; I love him.


"Yes." (Steve)

He placed the ring on his finger, and he placed the ring on mine. We blushed as we gazed in each other's eyes. He caressed my cheeks and kissed me passionately. I love him.

Steve p.o.v

I love her so much. I'll never let her go.



I hope yall enjoy this story, and the other requests will be out soon  not Making any promises but I'll do what I can, but anywho.. don't forget to follow, leave a comment and vote for more craziness. If u have any requests please drop them in the comments. Yall come back now.

I love each and everyone of yall: ✌💕

All yall is my babies 💋.

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