ponyboy x fem y/n: 💗🎓Graduation🎓💗

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Ponyboy p.o.v

The day finally came. The day I'd finally graduate. I was proud of myself, but it felt lonely. Of course darry and the others came- but y/n was working. I felt lonely without her, she was my everything. When I got up to get my diploma- my eyes couldn't help but wonder over the crowd. I got my diploma and tried to smile, but I couldn't. My eyes wondered till I saw y/n in the crowd smiling, and clapping with the crowd. I smiled and blushed a lil; she blew a kiss at me and I just smiled.


They was the loudest ones, but I couldn't help but laugh. Of course my pic was in the year book- after getting my diploma; soda pulled me in a bear hug.

"Soda- let.. go.."

I couldn't breathe- y/n then told soda to let go and I could finally breathe.

"I'm sorry pony, I'm just proud of u." (Soda)

"Yea we proud of u too." (Darry)

After taking some pictures, y/n pulled me alone into a private area; and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her close. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and standing on her tiptoes to reach me; we pulled away from each and blushed. Y/n hugged me and giggled a lil.

"I'm so proud of you pony" (y/n)

"Thank u love."

After a full day of celebratin, y/n grabbed my hand and started to pull me, I chuckled and asked where was going.

"Somewhere special~" (y/n)

Y/n didn't tell me where we was going, but I was excited. But I kept that inside. She didn't tell me anything- but took me somewhere private and special. Y/n took me outside, blind folded me then gently pulled me along; after- she gently grabbed my hand leading me. I didn't know what she was up to, but I trust her. She pulled me until we came to a stop; I heard her giggle and asked was I ready.

"Yes love~"

She took the blind fold off me, and she leaded me to a small picnic blanket; with flowers, champagne, and a cake. The cake reads

(Congratulations my love~)

I pulled them in a hug, and they kiss my cheek. But when we sat down to have some alone time- I felt y/n's hand touched mine. I blushed taking her hand in return; we sat together and watched the sunset. Y/n caught my attention when she told me to look st her; i turned seeing her cutting a small peice of cake- and wanted to feed me.

"Take a bit of ur cake" (y/n)

She was too sweet; her smiling face, and her blushing cheeks. I blushed as she practically spoon feed me; after she fed me- she layed my head on her lap and run her fingers through my hair. This felt like I was floating on air; I looked up at her- while she just smiled and bent down to kiss my lips. Y/n's lips were so soft.

"I love u pony~" (y/n)

"I love u too y/n"

Y/n p.o.v

After watching the sunset, night time came about and pony; fell asleep on my lap. I decided to lay back on the blanket beneath us, and cuddled pony in my arms. I could hear the frogs crocking (yall I can't spell), and the crickets chirping.. it was peaceful. The moon was full, and shinning. This was beautiful.

I looked down at pony, who was looking up at me. I kissed his forehead and he wrapped his arms around me; till my face was in his chest. We were both too comfortable to move, so we just had each close.

His hand started rubbing the back of my hair; and I just closed my eyes embracing the moment. Pony cover us both in his academic regaila

(Graduation gown, robe... I don't know which sound better so I looked it up)

So both ended up, laying in the grass in each other's arms. Fast asleep. I know it's dangerous to stay outside without some form of shelter; but with pony... I feel safe.



Well I hope yall enjoy this story of fluff, and I know I'm late on requests; bit it's only one me. So hold on, they coming. And if this story seem confuding; Im sorry i washed asleep, and half awake.
But anyway I hope yall enjoy this story, don't forget to follow, leave a comment and vote for more craziness. Yall come back now. And if yall got any requests go ahead and drop them in the comments.

I love each and everyone of yall: ✌💗

All yall my babies 💋.

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