Johnny x y/n: 😳😳oh shit😳😳 pt2

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Y/n p.o.v

Me and Johnny was both sitting on the couch staring at the floor, while two-bit laughed his ass off. Of course he had to tell the others; darry lectured us and two-bit still laugh- while dally drank a beer. And the others remained quiet, not wanting to make it worse. I ignored everyone eles, and looked at Johnny. He was red with embarrassment, and his eyes was filled with shame.

I guess that two-bit snitched- made him feel like this. Plus Two-bit's laughing wasn't helping. I tried holding his hand, but he pulled away from me.

"U okay?"

"Two I think ur done.. ur done laughing. " (soda)

"My stomach hurts" (two-bit, still laughing)

Johnny didn't say anything but I saw him shed a tear, he's embarrassed. I could understand; it was his first being intimate. After the lecture and laughing was over, I tried holding his hand again. But again he pulled away from me. I know he's shy, and can be a lil scary at time but- I don't wanna see him like this. After it all two-bit was about to pat his back; but Johnny pushed him away too. I looked up seeing him, getting up from the couch and leaving the house altogether.

"Johnny wait-"

By the time I went out to look for him, he was already gone. I sighed closing the door again, and leaning against the door.


I looked up seeing two-bit looking dumbfounded, and I just-


"What I do?" (Two-bit)

"U embarrassed him."

"I was only teasin." (Two-bit)

"And u embarrassed him.."

"And? U know we tease each other" (Two-bit)

"U say ur teasing but u didn't have to tell anyone else.. u couldn't keep ur mouth shut if someone hold a fun to ur head."

I heard dally started laughing, while pony and soda watch; as they shared a bowl of popcorn. I sighed again in frustration and worry. Idk where Johnny went; I tried texting and calling him but no answer. Walking over to two-bit- I grabbed his ear and bent him down to my height.

"Y/n that hurt" (two-bit)

"I don't give a damn, I'm giving u 24 hours to find him and apologize."

"Apologize for what?" (Two-bit)

I let go of his ear, and started chocking him. Like Homer and Bart Simpson.

"Y/n I can't breathe." (Two-bit)

"Donu understand me?!"

"Yes!! I get it!!" (Two-bit)

I let him go and he started coughing trying to catch his breath, I grabbed my shoes and jacket; and headed out the door.

"Damn they viscous." (Steve)

Johnny p.o.v

I was walking down the street to the lot with my mind full, and my cheeks still red from embarrassment. I know he was my friend, but he didn't have to tell the whole world. I can take a joke but- he didn't have to tell everyone. And darrys lecture sure didn't made me feel any better.

I decided to go for a walk to clear my head, then go to Buck's for a while. To drown my sorrows.



I hope yall enjoy this story and, this was requested

(Shout-out to u 💜🌟💜🌟💜🌟💜)

(I honestly forgot cuz yall leave a lot of requests and I can't remember. But until I get everyone requests done; I'm closing the requesting gig for a while.)

But anyway I hope yall enjoy, don't forget to follow, leave a comment and vote for more craziness. Yall come back now.

I love each and everyone of yall: ✌💗

All yall is my babies 💋💋.

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