Student two-bit x teacher y/n:😏😈 tutoring 😏😈 teaser

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Two-bit p.o.v

I slumped down in my desk, looking at my report card. I was passing my other subjects but math; and to make it worse- its the last semester of the 4th quarter. I sighed in frustration. I didn't know what I was gonna do; pony suggested I stay after school for tutoring.

So the day was Friday, and I'm staying after school. I tapped my pencil on the desk, as I slump in the seat. I sighed as I looked up at the clock, in the boring math class. My teacher left a note on the class bored, saying well have a sub instead. So I waited. And waited. I checked the time and see its 7:00; i had enough of waiting, I was about to leave.

If I fail, I fail. I got up about to leave- then the door opened. I felt my cheeks heating up, when i saw my sub walked through the door. Their piercing eyes, was tantalizing. I slowly sat back down in my seat, watching them walked behind the teachers desk. I felt a spark inside me; oh no.

"Good evening, I'm Y/n L/n. But you can call Mr/Mrs L/n. " (y/n)

I felt my breath catch in my throat, and my face was getting warmer; as they spoke. The sound of their voice, it felt like.. it was hypnotizing me.

"I-im two-bit."

"Two-bit.. it's a pleasure to meet u. So I've been told u need help in math." (Y/n)


"Well I'm glad to help u. Although I'm a English teacher." (Y/n)

I smiled at them, and they brought a chair over to my desk to sit in front of me; they told me to open my math book to page 229-233. I tried not to stare at them as they teacher me- while they did I found myself daydreaming; as the melody of their voice filled the room.

(Time skip. Imma wrap this up I'm tired.)

For the pass 2 weeks my math grade in proved before the final quarter ended; although I had a high grade I wanted to see y/n again. Y/n came in the class with a bright smile, and I felt like I melted into a puddle.
But I can't. I'm a student and they is the teacher. Y/n came over to me, and hugged me. I blushed and hugged them in return, I blushed red when they kiss my forehead.

"I'm so proud of u Two-bit!" (Y/n)

"Thank you.. what I do?"

"U pass ur exam! And ur grade went up a LOT." (Y/n)

"Thanks Mr/ Mrs. L/n"

They sat on my desk and put their hand on my shoulder, I blushed from their touch. I looked up at them and they smirked.

"U know.. if u want that 99 to turn to a 100. There's something I need u to do for me~" (y/n)

I blushed red, and they whispered in my ear. I felt a buldge growing in my pants, y/n pulled away and smirked at me again.

"Looks like ur "friend" is up for the task.. are u?~" (y/n)


" me by my name. Y/n." (Y/n)

I was so turned on I couldn't speak, I just nodded- while they slide off the desk, and they gently pulled me out the chair. My heart pounded, as I knew what they ment. Y/n brought me to another empty class; across the hall.

"Come with me, this is where ur task begin~" (y/n)



Well I hope yall enjoy this teaser, n this was made for fun

But anyway I hope yall enjoy, if ysll want this to a series. Go a head and dropped them I the comments along with yalls requests. Don't forget to follow, leave a comment and vote for more craziness.

Yall come back now.

I love each and everyone of yall: ✌💗

All yall my babies 💋💋💋.

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