Chapter 3 - Elijah's Sickness

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For the second time that week Elijah was sick. He'd spent half of yesterday vomiting after passing out by the front door which really concerned his brother Klaus, although he'd never admit it to him. Out of nowhere he had felt better again but today the same thing was happening. He couldn't hide it, especially not with Klaus' supernatural hearing.

He shrugged off the panic he felt at being ill for the first time in over 1,000 years. Something was seriously wrong, being an Original came with many perks including the inability to get ill as humans do.

Elijah made his way down the marble staircase to find Klaus. Maybe he would know what was causing this. He found his brother stood in the large room pacing backwards and forwards with his phone in his hand, clearly agitated.

"Elijah," Klaus spoke to him urgently. "What is going on brother? How are you sick? You are not able to get ill and yet here you are, retching up your guts every waking second."

"I don't know, I know just as much as you." Elijah responded uneasily. "This shouldn't be possible."

"You're right it shouldn't be..." Klaus trailed off. "And yet..." He paused for a second, a foot poised in the air about to take another step. He then turned around sharply to face Elijah, his eyes widening in alarm.

"You know what's it is." Elijah said his eyes narrowing.

"No," Klaus lied quickly. "My witch Ianthe is coming, she will be able to help."

He had a feeling but wanted confirmation before Elijah's hopes were raised. It wouldn't be fair if he was wrong, and this was not something to joke about.

"You are lying to me brother. Tell me what is wrong," demanded Elijah, immediately picking up on Klaus' change in demeanour. He couldn't pluck up the courage to ask if he was dying.

"Ianthe will be able to tell you," Klaus refused to tell him again. "She will be here soon."

"Niklaus!" Elijah stood right in front of him. "Do not lie to me brother."

"It could be your mate bond," he muttered, relenting. "Mates can feel each other emotions and physical pain. If I am right about this, it is not a good thing for her. Yes, we might know your mate is somewhere close by, but she is in a lot of pain. We don't know for sure, that's why I have a witch coming."

Elijah froze on the spot. He had almost given up the search for his mate, if this were true...

"I didn't want to suggest it in case I'm wrong," Klaus said to him throwing up his hands. "I know how much finding your mate means to you."

Elijah didn't deny it. He was the most eager out of all the family to find his mate when they had first heard about them after they turned.

Mates were Esther's gift to Mikael's children. Mikael had cruelly laughed when revealing Klaus would have no such bond with another, relishing the pain it would cause Klaus, to be alone always and forever.

Now 1,000 years later Elijah was no closer. His siblings had found their mates over the years, some without even looking. Part of him was keenly aware his siblings were secretly relieved he had not found her yet as they were all worried about the prophecy and what it would mean for their family.

After finding out about their mates, a horrifying prophecy was revealed to them. Once all their mates were found, one of them would either bring peace to or destroy the Mikaelson family. The siblings could all unite and the family would become more powerful than ever, or the family would be irreversibly destroyed for all time.

Elijah could understand why his siblings were nervous about the final mate joining their family, but the prophecy could be about any one of his sibling's mates too. They wanted more time with their respective mates before their potential destruction and he could understand that. He had nearly given up looking for her in the hope to keep his family safe.

Elijah was brought back to the present as Klaus' witch Ianthe walked in. He stood up and she walked towards him chanting, not even giving him a second to speak. He fell to the floor in agony as she continued while Klaus just watched the scene in front of him.

After a minute she stopped and Elijah immediately rose from the floor with a questioning look on his face and he waited for her to explain.

"It's your mate," she confirmed to him. "That spell would have revealed if there was anything else causing it. There's no other explanation."

"We did have a suspicion," Klaus admitted with a nod.

"Can you find her?" Elijah said urgently, worry flooding every ounce of his body, knowing his perfect mate was out there somewhere being harmed. "Will a locator spell work?"

"No unless you have something to connect me to her. I suppose your blood would work," Ianth thought aloud.

Elijah didn't hesitate and bit into his wrist to draw blood as Klaus opened a map on the table. The blood dropped onto it and the witch started her spell. Elijah held his breath as he patiently waited for the blood to move.

A minute later nothing had happened. Ianthe tried again on a larger map. She knew it should have worked the first time as she was certain his mate was nearby to have this intense of an effect on him, but she tried again patiently. Still, the blood didn't move.

"She's definitely close, I can sense she is near. There must be a cloaking spell on her," Ianthe said hesitant to break the bad news.

"Are you certain?" Elijah sighed in exasperation as she nodded. He started pacing the room frustrated at being unable to locate his mate.

"Why would she be cloaked?" He asked, feeling angry knowing his mate was in pain.

"Maybe someone knows who she is," Klaus suggested sadly, realising cloaking means she's in supernatural hands.

"If I don't know who she is how could anyone else?" Elijah asked in complete confusion.

No one responded.

Elijah sat down and looked out of the window feeling out of his depth. He was glad he had confirmation it was his mate but it worried him sick knowing he couldn't find her. He would have to find some other way to track her or he'd go mad sitting around while she was being abused.

"I'll kill whoever is harming her," he promised lowly, gritting his teeth together. He could feel everything through the bond and would not stop until he found her and killed those that hurt her. "If they dare to hurt her again..."

"We will find her brother," Klaus said placing a sturdy hand on his brother's shoulder. "She's your mate, we will find her."

But Elijah didn't believe he would find her in time.


Poor Elijah. Poor Klaus. Mikael is a dick about mates
Enough said on that😡

I'm probably going to publish chunks in one go and then likely none for a while as I focus on little Hedda Mikaelson and my Ophelia poly Mikaelson story x

I'm setting no schedule so updates will be sporadic♥️

Ceryn x

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