Chapter 4 - One Lock of Hair

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Mikael was pleased with how things were going with Maeve. They would walk outside in the garden together everyday and she was adjusting to the new routine quickly. Although didn't particularly appreciate the new style of clothing, especially the jeans she was given to wear.

Her grandmother would have turned in her grave simply seeing Maeve's legs on display. It's 'unbecoming of a woman' she would say.

Each day Mikael checked to see if Maeve had taken the gruesome drink left out for her, which was usually unnecessary as he could hear her cries of pain even from downstairs.

He was mightily pleased she hadn't tried to question him about it so he could start planning the next step.

Stage two involved obtaining a sample of hair directly from her mate Elijah, plus more time to make sure stage one was fully complete. Mikael refused to take the risk of it failing. He had killed over less.

Elijah's hair sample was going to be the most challenging part. Maeve was very compliant and trusted him very quickly so he wasn't worried about her. However obtaining his son's hair had to be planned cautiously as Elijah would not be easily deceived.

Finally,  his witch Apphia suggested he used one of Klaus' hybrids who had access to the Mikaelson house and wouldn't raise suspicions. Most of them hated Klaus so might be convinced to help Mikael if Apphia helped them break the sire bond.

They could offer a good deal.

The hybrid could be compelled by Mikael so at the next chance Apphia got, she approached one and made an offer.

She was sat in the Mystic Grill listening and keeping a watchful eye out for a hybrid who might be willing to help. It didn't take long as she sat in the corner and overheard a bitter conversation between two young men, Daniel and Tyler.

"We can't keep doing this, he killed your mother Ty," Daniel huffed in annoyance. "We're going to be stuck with him for our whole lives and there's nothing anyone is willing to do about it."

"There's nothing we can do about it," Tyler said bedrudgingly. "If we run he'll kill us, but if we stay we can at least survive for now until we find a way to leave freely."

Apphia moved a little closer to her targets, swaying her hips to get their attention as Tyler argued with him.

"I'm not having this conversation again with you Dan, he would kill us for even discussing this. I'm leaving, talk to me again when you haven't got a death wish."

Tyler stood up and walked out of the Mystic Grill leaving Dan staring at his empty seat. He refused to forget about it and just continue on like he wanted to be sired to Klaus. He didn't, Klaus had forced them all into this. He had never hated anybody as much.

"You wish to remove your sire bond?" Apphia approached Daniel and sat down opposite him strategically.

"Who are you?" He shot back, unsure whether she could be trusted. Tyler was right, Klaus would kill him if he even suspected. Was this a test?

"Apphia," the witch responded quickly before laying the proposal out. "I have someone who needs your help Daniel. In return we will show you how to break your sire-bond with Klaus. I cannot say any more here, if you are interested come with me. Trust me and I'll help you. Don't, and it will be your loss."

She rose from chair and tilted her head at him. "This is your only chance, if you want to be free of Klaus, come with me and we can make an agreement where we can't be overheard."

She didn't want to waste anymore time sat around itching to get her hands on a lock of Elijah's hair. She was fairly certain Dan would follow her even if he didn't trust her. He'd rather take the chance than stay sired to Klaus.

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