Chapter 16 - Mikael's Hidden Agenda

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"Why is it... swimming?" Maeve wasn't sure of the word to use even in her native language. She poked at the food on her plate, covered in a greasy layer that shone in the light.

Kol simply laughed, "Elijah thinks you're too thin, he's adding oil to everything to fatten you up a bit."

Maeve's eyes stung but she shook her head, reminding herself that she was being silly. There was nothing wrong with how she looked, Elijah made sure she knew that well. He was simply concerned for her health.

Sometimes she was too. When she stood up too fast the room spun and she became dizzy. Occasionally there were long gaps in her memory that worried her but she didn't want to tell Elijah and make a big deal out of it. Food would restore her weak body to the nimble toned one it once was.

She started to eat, slowly munching her way through what she now knew were potatoes and chicken. The flavours were truly mouth-watering and she wished her family were around to taste this sort of flavoursome food too.

"Ianthe will be here soon," Elijah entered the kitchen, pleased to see Maeve tucking into a full meal.

Maeve nodded nervously, aware of how close the full moon actually was. She had told Ianthe everything Mikael said and yet there was still no progress. The full moon was tonight and she was on edge. Mikael was planning something, she knew it.

It had been a few days since she had been intimate with Elijah but he had refused to touch her like she desired, wanting to ensure her body was fully recovered first. She was grateful for his care but so desperate to have him again. She never wanted to stop now her body knew what her mate could do to her.

Sadly, Klaus and Elijah had had a major falling out. Maeve suspected it was about her since Klaus hardly spoke to her. He never had really.

"You need to make up," she urged Elijah the second Kol left them alone. "You're lucky you have him, I don't have my family. It's awful to see you both take each other for granted."

Apparently that wasn't the right thing to say. Elijah clenched his jaw together before responding.

"Sweetheart, Niklaus is not always easy to-"

"-I don't care," Maeve interjected not wanting to hear more excuses. "Make up with him. He's your brother Elijah. I've forgiven him for trying to come between us and so should you."

When Elijah didn't answer, Maeve knew their argument involved her. Her and Klaus' feelings about being abandoned and left out.

"I will never make you choose between us Elijah," she finished her food and stood up to face him. "I don't want to come between you. Please don't let him believe that either."

Elijah regarded her carefully before nodding sharply once, "Niklaus attempted to push you away from me. Our bond is stronger than that, it's stronger than I ever imagined. I am grateful he did not succeed."

"He will never push me away from you," Maeve whispered calmly, smiling up at her mate to encourage his belief in her. "There is nothing he can do to turn me away. I lo..."

She caught herself by surprise and stopped.

"I love you," Elijah smiled and leant down, allowing her to take her time in giving him her heart.

He sealed his soft lips over hers in a wordless promise that he would somehow make amends with Klaus. Maeve could persuade him to do anything with a simple look and he was grateful she was as family-orientated as he was. He trusted she would never ask him to abandon his family.

Suddenly Maeve pulled back as though she'd been burnt.

"I feel a little odd today, did you say Ianthe is coming? Has Freya made any progress either?"

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