Chapter 11 - New start

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Maeve refused to set foot in her room because the memories of Elijah's anger in there were so fresh, so Freya brought her to hers. The rest of the Mikaelsons had followed behind giving them some space but Maeve refused to let Elijah or Klaus in the room.

Freya and Kol sat next to her as she cried, unsure what to make of the memories he showed her. Rebekah knocked on the door and looked in.

"Maeve? It is Maeve isn't it? Can I come in sweetie?"

Maeve nodded and Rebekah sighed in relief. At least she would see her.

Kol spoke up, "Where's Elijah?"

Maeve glanced around, worried he was going to come into the room. She wanted her space away from him, where she knew she was safe.

"Downstairs, he's with Klaus. He's really sorry Maeve he wants to see you to apologise properly."

"He's not my mate," Maeve shook her head in denial.

Rebekah looked at her quizzically, "what do you mean, he's not your mate?"

"It's a fake bond, but you can't tell him I know or he will kill me. He will get so angry with me again. Please, don't tell him I know."

Rebekah looked at her shocked as she begged and begged. Where had this come from? Had she believed this all along?

Kol spoke up, "it's not a fake bond darling, it's not possible to create a fully formed fake bond even with the strongest of witches."

"Where's Mikael?" Maeve asked Rebekah, ignoring Kol out of distrust for him supporting Elijah. One thing was still on her mind, even after Kol sharing his memories, Mikael. She had to get to him.

"Mikael, why do you want to see Mikael?" Rebekah asked confused. Didn't he hurt her?

"He's the only one that can help me. I need to go back to him," Maeve's urgency and distress seeped into her panicked voice. "I can't stay here with Elijah and Klaus, Mikael warned me about them."

Freya spoke up ever so gently, "Kol showed you his memories, you know you can't trust Mikael. Stay here with us where you're safe."

"I can't, not when Elijah is here. I need to leave and you have to help me."

Elijah stood outside the door listening to the conversation. His heart broke as he heard his mate saying she didn't believe their bond was real. He didn't know what to do. He knocked on the door and stepped into the room, hoping the bond would guide him.

"Please let me speak to my mate," he stepped into the room and heard Maeve's heart rate skyrocket as a result.

"Maeve please sweetheart," Elijah didn't recognise his own tone as he begged for the first time in his life. "I don't know what Mikael told you but I haven't faked the bond, if you don't want me as your mate... then I understand."

He held back his emotions, knowing deep down he could never let her leave even if she wished it. The bond would punish them both harshly. It was a truth he didn't want to inform her of right now, she would only be more resistant and therefore in more pain if he told her.

So Elijah allowed her the choice, thinking this would be the best way to get through to her. Her biggest fear was to be forced or tricked by him, he would show her he would do neither.

"If you wish to reject me, please spend some time with me first. You don't know me yet, only the lies my father has told you," he said lightly keeping his tone calm and even, while his mind was whirring in panic.

Maeve looked at everyone's faces in the room. They really trusted and loved Elijah.

But she didn't want to be anywhere near him alone in case he got angry at her. He'd clearly heard she knew the bond was fake. She wouldn't risk that again, she couldn't.

Sweet Maeve MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now