Chapter 18 - Willingly Kidnapped?

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Maeve felt sick to her stomach. Mikael was right all along. Elijah was simply playing games and she'd been stupid to joyfully offer him her whole heart.

She regretted every second spent with him.

Hiding away in one of the guest bathrooms, she blinked again and she was suddenly outside. The missing time between scared her witless but she had no one to confide in. Once again, she was all alone.

Shockingly, Mikael strolled directly over from a parked car she hadn't noticed before on the gravel driveway. The Mikaelsons were nowhere to be seen and Maeve wasn't sure what to think about that.

"Come now girl, you are under their bewitchment no longer," Mikael extended out a hand calmly waiting for her to join him. "Rowena wishes to see you."

At the drop of her older sister's name, Maeve was stunned. She had assumed Rowena was dead.

"You have my sister?"

"I do, she wishes to see you."

Their exchange was short and Maeve didn't know if she could trust him or not. She had trusted him before and she had also trusted Elijah. Clearly her judgement was terrible.

"She used to meet you by the corner of the yellow field," Mikael used knowledge directly from Rowena to convince her. He knew Maeve couldn't put it down to anything else.

Again, Maeve paused but the risk of not going with him was too great. Since she'd found out the truth about Elijah, that he didn't love her, she knew she couldn't stay with the Mikaelsons. Even if Mikael hurt her, wasn't it worth it to see Rowena? She had nothing left anywhere and no one to care about her. Only Rowena.

Taking a deep breath, Maeve stepped up alongside the man she previously despised. She was hesitant...

She went with him anyway.

The shortest chapter ever...
But I'll leave it here for you to stew over 😱

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