Chapter 6 - Elijah's "I Love You"

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"Apphia, don't do it," Mikael raised his voice trying to compel her but it was in vain.

His witch couldn't stop her feet from taking her towards Maeve's room with Elijah following behind. He was preoccupied with worry about how hurt his mate would be when he found her.

In a panic that Maeve would be discovered, Mikael used the distraction and impaled Klaus on his stake faster than anyone could blink.

Ianthe gasped and rushed towards him to pull it out but Klaus was faster, staking Mikael through the heart as he fell backwards.

"You missed my heart," he spat, yanking the stake out of his own chest in defiance.

Mikael had not been so lucky.

Relief flooded Klaus when he saw Mikael lying dead on the floor with the stake protruding from his chest. He peered at his father's body and immediately instructed Ianthe to deal with it, leaving his body with her.

He never thought he'd risk it, but Elijah and his mate were the priority and he trusted his witch with Mikael's dead body for a what should only be a few moments.

Bounding up the stairs following the sound of his brother's footsteps, Klaus made his way towards the hallway where he saw his brother and the second Kratos witch. He spurred himself on, wanting to be there as Elijah found his mate just in case she was badly injured.

He didn't want to think dwell on what Elijah would do if she was. They were both nervous about what they might find but for different reasons.

Klaus' main concern was how his brother might instinctively lash out. Elijah simply refused to accept that was a possibility and had one singular purpose. To save his mate.

"Mikael is dead," Klaus informed him when he had caught up.

Elijah raised his eyebrows, he had expected as much seeing as Klaus had come up here but was astonished that his brother would let Mikael's body out of his sight.

"Ianthe is dealing with it, it's all under control."

Elijah nodded his thanks to his brother, feeling frustrated that he couldn't punish Mikael himself but aware that his mate was far more important.

He'd expected to be alone when meeting his mate, but was grateful Klaus was here too as he dreaded opening the door to see how badly hurt his mate was. He had to rely on Klaus to be a voice of reason when his emotions were overwhelming him and it was new to him.

The noble Original felt powerless and promised himself he would not let anyone ever touch his mate again. He imagined her running into his arms, immediate recognising him as her mate, knowing she was forever safe and cared for.

Apphia suddenly stopped in front of a large door and turned around.

"She's cloaked in here," she informed them against her will.

Swiftly, Elijah threw her against the wall in anger and she hit the floor unconscious with a thud.

"Now that's not a problem," he said callously, her spell breaking the instant she lost consciousness. "You're lucky Ianthe asked us to spare you," he spat at her body that was passed out on the floor.

Klaus didn't stop him, he figured it was probably better for him to express all his rage here so he didn't lose his temper in front of his mate and scare her. He couldn't imagine how Elijah must be feeling, knowing his father had intentionally harmed his mate.

Just the thought of being in his position made Klaus' blood boil, he understood if Elijah needed a minute or two to calm his anger. While he was jealous of his siblings having mates, he certainly wasn't jealous of this gut wrenching part, knowing something horrifying lay behind the walls.

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