Chapter 9 - Misplaced trust

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Rebekah walked towards Maeve who backed away hurriedly not keeping her eyes off Elijah for even a second. Her heart beat was just getting faster and faster uncontrollably.

"Are you okay sweetie? Here, let me help," Rebekah offered in a worried tone that Maeve recognised.

And yet Maeve backed away even further from her, unable to trust any of them anymore. She couldn't stay here. She was sure they would kill her now for hurting Elijah. It was clear she hadn't fallen for their lies, what use was she to them now?

Gasping for air as her throat tightened, Maeve reached deep for her magic, her only friend in this strange unfamiliar new world. She dropped all three Mikaelsons to the floor with the most painful aneurysms she could muster, and she sped out of the room and towards the front door.

She made it out and frantically looked left to right and back again, attempting to find a clear answer on which way to go. It was terrifying not knowing where she was or where to flee to.

No one would help. Nowhere was safe.

Her hands trembled and she sent up a desperate prayer to the Nordic Gods she had never believed in as a young child.

"Please if you're there, help me," she whispered, staring at the vast landscape outside and recognising nothing.

It wasn't even like she could ask someone if she escaped the Mikaelsons either. She had no knowledge of this new age language and she felt more waves of terror take over her.

She was completely and utterly helpless. A fish out of water. Even with her magic she knew she couldn't get by alone.

Her racing thoughts didn't help her anxiety. If she didn't complete Mikael and Apphia's ritual to remove all the bad magic left in her, Mikael's fears would start to come true. She would lose control and kill many as the magic burst out with no restraint.

That's what Mikael said would happen.
And that scared her most.

He was her only safety. Mikael was who she needed to find to save herself and prevent the murders of thousands of innocents.

But how to find him?

She started down the driveway, figuring forwards was better than here, but Klaus appeared speeding in front of her. She froze immediately and twisted her head behind her where Rebekah and Elijah had appeared, all healed from their magical afflictions.

Cornered, she was cornered.

Maeve had never felt this trapped in her life, even when the witches came for her. She was fighting for her life. Right here, right now.

She focused her magic and created a barrier around herself to stay safe. At least they wouldn't be able to get any closer. She could wait them out. After a while they would stop trying to kill her and let her go, they would have to.

She would wait for days if she needed to, just to stay alive. Weeks even.

Elijah tried to touch the barrier the second it went up. It crackled but he could not pass it, not even when applying all his strength.

Seeing him trying to break into what was essentially her safety bubble, only made Maeve more sure he was trying to kill her.

Hours and hours passed with Maeve's fight or flight response remaining on overdrive. She refused to let down the barrier, even when it was clear Elijah and Klaus had calmed down. She wondered if it was a trick.

But none of them left. They all seemed intent on waiting her out together, muttering lowly in a way she couldn't understand.

Each of the Mikaelsons tried talking to her, pleading with her to listen and go back inside so they could check she was alright. But all Maeve could hear was Elijah's angry voice over and over in her head. She didn't know what he shouted at her, but he was angry and frustrated and it was directed at her.

Sweet Maeve MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now