Chapter 10 - Old friends

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Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah stood in shock as Kol's eyes widened and he bowed for a few seconds waiting for Maeve's response. He knew who she was and her wolf could be dangerous especially when she was this scared. He had to make sure she didn't see him as a threat.

It worked. Maeve smiled and nodded at him, allowing him to walked straight through the barrier she'd erected around herself.

The Mikaelson's mouths fell open as they attempted to touch the magical barrier themselves but could not pass through. They saw Elijah's mate and Kol talking but they couldn't hear anything they were saying.

Inside the circle, Kol and Maeve were reuniting for the very first time, without prying ears to listen in.



She gave him a hug, sighing so deeply when she felt his familiar embrace. She was safer now and she felt a little better. Not completely safe, she never could be with Elijah around, but certainly a little more protected. Kol stepped back as she spoke to him in their shared native language.

"Please tell them to let me go," his oldest best friend pleaded with him. "Your family are going to hurt me. I need to find Mikael."

Kol looked between her and Elijah confused.

"You're Elijah's mate, we won't hurt you."

"No I'm not, they've faked the mate bond Kol. Mikael warned me they would do it. He's not my mate. Help me find Mikael safely," she cried hysterically, wringing her hands out and getting worked up and upset all over again.

Kol looked at her, speechless for the first time ever.

"You want to go back to Mikael? Didn't he hurt you Maeve?"

Maeve replied quickly defending the man who had her full trust. "No, he was helping me get rid of the dark magic from the sleeping spell. He is trying to protect me not hurt me."

"And he told you Elijah would fake the mate bond?"

"Yes, apparently I'm the last from the St Clare line" she explained the only reasoning she was told. "And they must know how powerful my magic is."

Kol shook his head is total disbelief.

"Maeve, they don't know who you are. My brothers were overjoyed telling me that they found Elijah's mate at last, I promise you. They were so sad when you wouldn't talk to any of them. They don't know anything about you at all."

"Mikael said they know, he's protecting me," Maeve refused to listen, spouting Mikael's lies back to Kol as she believed them all to be true. "Help me find him, I can't stay here. Elijah will kill me."

"He's your mate, he would never do that to you," Kol denied, his words starting to upset the sweet woman in front of him.

"Well he's already hurt me. Where is Mikael?" Maeve snapped and repeated her previous question.

"I won't help you find Mikael, Maeve. He's been looking for a way to destroy our family for centuries now, you can't trust him. He's lied to you, it's not possible to fake a mate bond."

Maeve's blood boiled at the thought of Kol being untrustworthy now. Nothing he was saying made any sense so she couldn't rely on him like she initially thought she could. She was back to being totally alone.

Kol was working with Elijah.

Maeve felt truly betrayed.

"You are wrong," Maeve's voice rose as she lifted her hands causing Kol to back away in fear of her magic.

Sweet Maeve MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now