Chapter 15 - [smut] Maeve's First Time

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"You don't want to disappoint me now sweetheart do you?" Elijah regarded his mate very carefully.

"No," she shook her head and answered in a small unsure voice that made him narrow his eyes.

"I will stop the second you ask," he reassured her. "But if I even suspect you are uncomfortable and you don't tell me..."

Maeve gulped, realising he was serious. Deadly serious, she could see it in his fierce dark eyes.

" will have broken my trust and I will be deeply, deeply disappointed in you."

"I won't lie I promise," she stammered out, her body yearning for him more with each passing second. The last thing she wanted to do was let him down.

"Good girl," he murmured sensing her honesty. His hand touched her lower back, steadying her and sending flutters of excitement down her stomach to her...

"Elijah," Maeve gasped out when his other wandering hand reached her inner thighs.

"Do you trust me?"

"Wha- yes," she nodded her head vigorously, so sure of the fact. She knew it to be true more than she knew her own name. She could trust him implicitly.

"Can I trust you?" He asked, yet again checking if she would be honest if she wanted him to stop.

"Of course Elijah," she answered calmly now. His concern for her well-being was to be expected after how she reacted last time she was this close to him. "I've never wanted anything more."

The second her confirmation left her lips, his hand crept under her dress further, hovering in the air for a second before his fingers touched her through her underwear.

The sharp intake of breath through her parted lips was like music to Elijah's ears. He grinned noting how sensitive she was to him, his own mate, only his.

He leant down and kissed her, peeling away her dress so she lay bare before him. He lowered himself to hover over her body, sending small tingles pulsating through them both.

And when he kissed her down there... Maeve had never never felt such a wonderful thing.

"Oh Elijah," she gasped, grabbing onto his hair tightly. A few hours ago she hadn't known such an act could be done, let alone experience it herself.

"That's it sweetheart, lie back and relax. Let me love you."

His voice rumbled deeply and she closed her eyes, following his simple instruction. She was fully his and he was fully hers, she had no doubt about it.

Every nerve ending lit up and Maeve couldn't help but moan out at what Elijah was doing to her. The shock and pleasure of it all overwhelmed her senses. Everything was new. But she was with her mate, so everything was perfect.

It wasn't long before he pulled away and scraped his fangs over her soft skin, eager to bite down and drink from creamy thigh. But he held himself back, he knew that would scare her and she'd likely panic. He wouldn't take advantage of her trust in such a vulnerable position.

Meanwhile, something within Maeve suddenly snapped. The firm control she had over her magic and her wolf was there no more after relaxing under Elijah's touch. But instead of feeling excitement to be with her mate, she felt only hot pain searing through her body.

"Owww Elijah," she cried out and he froze, his eyes darting up and down as he tried to work out what was wrong. He hadn't done anything to hurt her, had he?

"Everywhere hurts," she complained again, starting to sweat now and she was overcome with the urge to pounce on him. She tried to quell the feeling but she couldn't. Her previous control had been shattered, all by Elijah's touch and she couldn't push it all back down.

Sweet Maeve MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now