Chapter 7 - New Forever Home

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Maeve woke up in a strange room next to Elijah. He was asleep in the chair next to her holding her hand and his comforting scent was overwhelming.

The sparks she felt at his light touch made her jerk her hand away, scrambling backwards in the bed, her eyes darting around looking for the door. Her fast movement woke Elijah and he cleared his throat before speaking.

"You're safe," he spoke with a comforting tone to show her he meant no harm. "Mikael isn't here, he can't hurt you sweetheart. Do you perhaps want some water?"

He looked across at her, hearing her heart rate climb rapidly and she stared at him frozen in fear.

Maeve heard the crack of the floorboards by the door and Rebekah peered into the room watching them. She seemed familiar to Maeve, reminding her of a friend who was like an older sister to her 1,000 years ago. Maeve watched her out of the corner of her eye.

Elijah pulled out a bottle of water and poured it into a glass beside him. He offered it, holding it out to her but she shrunk back not meeting his eyes or accepting the innocent offering.

He sighed and placed the glass down on the nightstand next to her and tried again, "I'm Elijah, what's your name?"

She didn't appear to hear him and continued to glance at Rebekah in the doorway. The blonde finally made her way in and sat at the foot of the bed when she realised Elijah's mate wasn't going to respond.

"I'm Rebekah, Elijah's sister. We're just here to help you, is there any family you want to call?"

Maeve looked blankly at her, Mikael's warning still racing through her mind. She must find him, Mikael's the only one that can help her. She didn't even know if her part of the spell was complete. Was she safe and free from dark magic now? Could Apphia start the other half of the spell without her? Maeve wished she asked more questions about it but at the time it was too much to think about.

Rebekah continued talking but Maeve let it wash over her, she couldn't understand even if she tried. She had no knowledge of this new age language and it was yet another reason for her to hastily find Mikael.

She realised she needed to slowly gain the Mikaelsons trust before attempting to leave to ensure the safety spell could be finished. There had to be no chance she could hurt anyone with the residual dark magic within her left from the sleeping spell.

She needed Mikael to confirm that. Now.

Instead, Maeve offered a small smile to Rebekah as she looked expectantly at her clearly waiting for an answer. This Mikaelson seemed sweet and Maeve trusted her slightly more than Mikael's sons even if she didn't know her.

Rebekah turned to Elijah to briefly say something and he left the room glancing back before softly closing the door, the latch clicking shut.

The girls were left to bond but they hardly did.


Elijah angrily paced around as Klaus sat reclined in a chair watching him.

"I don't know what to do Niklaus. She's terrified of me every time I walk in that room, it's like she's not responding at all to the mate bond. She's won't speak a word to anyone even Rebekah. We don't even know her name..."

"She's scared and confused give her time brother, we don't know what happened when Mikael had her. She'll gradually start to trust us more, she has been around Rebekah. "

"That's just it, I don't understand. I'm her mate. I should calm her, she should want me to be with her not Rebekah. And it's a miracle we got her out safe knowing our father. I'll kill him for good the next chance I get, I can't believe we left his living body."

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