Chapter 5 - Confronting Mikael

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Daniel entered Mikael's house, "Mikael," he called, "I have the sample you wanted."

Mikael appeared in front of him and Apphia walked over and took the vial, inspecting its contents.

"Thank you. Did it all go to plan?" He questioned.

"Not exactly," Dan said worriedly. "They realised I was compelled and guessed you had done it but they don't know for sure. I'm being tracked right now."

Dan didn't reveal how he helped them as he was still hoping Mikael would show him how to break the sire bond. Klaus didn't need to know about that yet and he didn't want him to find out.

Mikael was angry, knowing that he should have forced Apphia to meet Dan in town rather than 
have him come here and reveal his location. He knew his sons were likely on their way already and his blood boiled at the thought.

"Leave," he commanded rudely.

The compulsion instantly broke and Daniel turned and fled, realising that Apphia had already revealed how to break the sire bond. Mikael had simply compelled him to forget until he returned with Elijah's hair. He sighed with relief wondering how he had managed to pull off a deal that had gone wrong with three Originals and still be left standing.

Mikael quickly turned to Apphia. "I assume Maeve's drink is ready for today?"

"Not quite, it's not as strong as I'd like it to be but she can still take it," the witch responded confident in her abilities.

"I will ask her to drink it now, it will weaken Elijah. Place a cloaking spell on her room so she cannot be found," he demanded frantically, hastily preparing for the arrival of his sons.

He vamped up the stairs and into Maeve's room where she was sat in thought gazing out of the window peacefully.

"Maeve, drink this now," Mikael shoved the cup into her hands as she stared at him with wide eyes, taken aback at his aggressiveness.

"There's not enough time to explain but my sons are coming. I need you to promise me that whatever happens you will not trust them. They are so persuasive, you won't even realise they're lying to you. Elijah has faked a mate bond between you two but no matter how you feel you cannot trust it." Mikael lied with no hesitation whatsoever and Maeve naively believed him, trusting the only person she was able to communicate with.

"Do not speak to them, it will give them another advantage and they will use your words to manipulate you and take control of your magic. They want more power to terrorise and torture people. Maeve, you must not let them. Wait for me to come back and no matter what you hear do not come out of this room. I will come back for you."

"I'll wait for you to get back, I won't speak to them," Maeve slowly nodded, bringing the cup to her lips and she drank.

"Or to anyone else, even if they speak Old Norse, okay Maeve?" Mikael wouldn't let it go until she heard him out fully.

"I won't," she answered between large gulps.

"Good girl. Stay silent, it's too dangerous otherwise. I promised your father I would keep you safe, now you need to promise you'll trust me to do it."

"I promise, I trust you," she replied, starting to feel the affects of the drink swirling in her belly.

Mikael swiftly left the room to ensure Apphia could put up the cloaking spell. She had already placed many boundaries up, although she knew Mikael's sons were smart so also put a protection spell on Mikael just in case.

Mikael was rushing around the house trying to get his white oak stakes. After years of them running away from their deaths at his hands, ironically his children were now running towards him, although he was certain still to their end.

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