Chapter 73: Skylar's POV

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The knocking was a brief clack on wood before silence. I automatically stood up to answer the door. Even though it was probably one of our friends, I hated not knowing who the person hiding behind the door was. I opened the door slowly, inwardly cursing myself for being such a scaredy-cat.
"Hey Skylar!" Caspian greeted me. Oh. Him.
"Hey." I said a bit uncomfortably.
"Caspian!" Misty yelped happily, bouncing up from her bunkbed, "I'm so glad you're here! I was dying of boredom."
"Yep, me too. Want to study?" He smiled. Why couldn't he study with his friends? And if Misty was so bored, why didn't she want to talk to me? Ugh. Oliver decided to follow, and Waffles was casting sad looks at the floor to have her playmate depart. Hey, your not the only one without someone to hang out wi-
"I have an idea!" Mist cut off my train of thought, and seemed to notice my presence for the first time. "Waffles can come too!" Oh. Or Waffles's. Waffles looked up and smiled before floating after Oliver. Hmm. Traitor.
I was quite bored by the time I decided to try and find my helper once again. I couldn't text anyone to help, so it was kind of difficult. I went to the training room first, reenacting my footsteps carefully. Nothing came of it, so I decided to ask a passing counselor.
"Sir, do we have a lost and found?" I asked a man walking by with a counselor badge. He didn't say anything, just clicked a button on his helper and a giant button pad popped up where a door usually was before he began walking away. The button pad was filled with all the apps that were normally on a helper, and keyholes and labels underneath all of them. I searched for a while until I found one labeled "Lost & Found". Then I inserted the keycard. Lucky for me, I was wearing the same shorts I had worn the first day of school. Even though I wore different shorts, skirts, and jeans everyday and washed that particular pair on various occasions, the keycard was still intact. I wondered what they put to make it so durable. Anyways, after I inserted the card, the button pad folded back and turned into a door. I walked through.

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