15th May 1949

280 14 55

Chapter 2

I gently assisted Jade to get on her feet, "Can you walk?" I asked her with concern. She looked at me and nodded, my gaze locked into hers and I sensed fear, I cursed the poorly functioning streetlight that didn't allow me to see her eyes properly, I wondered what shade of brown they were.

I held Jade and we slowly walked towards the more lit street, I asked her where she lived and she showed me the way, we silently walked on the way and I heard faint breaths coming out of her mouth as I noticed the look of pain on her face, "Do you want to take a break?" I asked her.

She shook her head, "No, we're almost there. And it's not safe walking at this time of night for two girls" she said weakly. My heart broke at her words thinking of what the poor girl had just experienced.

We arrived in front of a small two-storey house, some bricks were abandoned on the ground, while on others you could see the wounds left by the bombs. I wondered how it was possible that it had not yet disintegrated and I wondered how Jade or any of the people here could live in such decay, I realised that I had been blessed with good fate to be born and raised in a wealthy family, with a father who was influential in that society.

Jade lived on the fringes of society, she was one of those people who no one would care if she died in an alley or in a riot, just as Leigh-Anne had said.

We entered the house and I was astonished to see the conditions in which she lived, the flat in total was little smaller than my living room only, there was a stove, a sink, a small single bed, a small table and two chairs. A large trunk was propped under the window. There wasn't a bathroom.

 There wasn't a bathroom

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A/N - Jade's house. Cut out the children

I helped Jade sit on the bed and took a candle I found on the floor, placed it on top of the trunk and lit it, the dim light was enough to illuminate the small room. I went to the stove and took a cloth, wet it with water and went back to the girl who was looking at me intrigued.

I approached her and asked permission to help her, she agreed and I gently wiped her dirty and bloody face. I looked closely at her cheeks and noticed her eyes circled in red, I squeezed her hand as I silently continued to clean her face.

"I'll take off your dress, is that okay?" I said carefully, she looked like a deer caught in the headlights but when she recovered she nodded and allowed me to help her undress.

My eyes widened at the sight of her naked body, I noticed purple marks on her neck and breasts and wondered what they were, they looked like small bruises but they were also different, I had never seen them done like that.

My gaze fixed itself on her full breasts and hard nipples and my breath caught in my throat, I heard a small giggle come from her and felt the colour rise on my cheeks as I realised that I had been staring at her for who knows how long.

No Time For Us - Jerrie Fanfiction AU ✅Where stories live. Discover now