5th June 1950

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Chapter 17

5th June 1950

"Perrie?!" I heard the door burst open and his shocked voice interrupt our laughter. "What the fuck does this mean?"

"Chris!" I exclaimed in shock, "Chris I'm sorry"

"You- you're sorry? Why the hell are you in our bed with a woman?" he asked staring at Jade with horror painted on his face, "What is this? Some kind of joke?" he continued to speak looking around. I felt the blood pump in my ears and my breath catch in my throat.

"I'm sorry, Chris" I stammered crying, he continued to look between me and Jade clutching the sheet over our chests to cover our naked bodies.

"Get out of here" he said without emotion turning to Jade, she didn't move and he came towards us, I got off the bed and put on my dressing gown going to stand between him and her.

"Please, Chris, let's talk about this quietly" I said holding my hands out in front of him.

"You want to talk about it quietly?" he shouted and I stepped back. "What the fuck does this shit mean? Were you fucking her? Are you a lesbian?" he shouted advancing further and further. "Who the fuck is this whore?"

"Don't you dare call her that ever again!" I yelled back, he grabbed my hair and I whimpered in pain.

"Don't touch her" I heard Jade's firm, sharp voice, "I told you not to touch her!" she repeated furiously, Chris let me go and looked down at me with nothing but disgust.

Tears wet my face as I thought of the consequences that situation would have on me, Jade, Jasmine and the baby on the way, if Chris had told my father the truth I would have been well aware of what the repercussions would have been, but I couldn't let him hurt Jade too.

"Chris, I'm sorry. I've done everything I can to not feel what I feel, but I can't help it"

He laughed at me and took another step forward, at that moment Jade was beside me looking at Chris ready for any move, "What you feel? What do you feel, Perrie?" he asked with anger in his voice and I felt the blood become like ice in my veins.

"I-I love her" I stammered with fear spreading through every part of my body.

He laughed nervously but I felt anger and bitterness, "You can't love her. Two women can't love each other!" he shouted and I gasped remembering my father's screams.

Jade stepped forward and stood between us but I grabbed her wrist to pull her back not wanting her to be hurt, although I tried to make her move she remained still and I saw Christopher watching her as if she was prey.

All three of us stood in silence for seconds that seemed like hours, only the sound of our quickened breaths was audible until he took a step back and looked at us one last time.

"You disgust me" he spat indignantly, "You are nothing but a freak of nature" he declared before turning and walking out of the room, slamming the door.

I leaned against the wall and slumped to the floor before unravelling in a mess of sobs and tears and felt Jade's arms wrap around me and her lips leave reassuring kisses on my temple.

She didn't say anything but I knew she too was considering all the possibilities that would result from what had just happened, and each option was worse than the other.

We spent the night hugging and comforting each other, knowing that in the morning we would have to face reality and the consequences of our actions, I considered every possible option including escape plans for me, Jade and Jasmine.

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