27th October 1949 (pt. 1)

190 12 37

Chapter 7

When we reached home I saw Jade clutching Jasmine to her chest and whispering to her to be a good girl, the little child looked terrified and I saw her tiny hands tighten around her mother's neck, behind me, Norma watching my every move like a hunter watches his prey.

"Mummy, who is the lady?" Jasmine whispered in her mother's ear but loud enough for me to hear her.

"Her name is Perrie and she is very kind to us. You can say hello to her" Jade told her as she looked at me.

The little girl looked at me uncertainly but then raised her little hand and greeted me, I smiled warmly at her and returned the greeting.

"Hello Jasmine" I said in a reassuring voice, "My name is Perrie and I am a friend of mummy" The little girl looked at her mother to decide if I was telling the truth and I saw Jade nod, she looked back at me but said nothing else and like her grandmother, followed my every move.

I invited the two women to sit down and relax as I headed to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Shortly after I came back and began to set the table, I saw Jade get up and come towards me to help me but I forbade it and told her to use that time to rest.

An hour later I was done, I headed back to the living room and saw Jade sleeping on the couch while Norma played with her niece and answered her questions about why they were there.

"You see, that girl is going to host us here for a few days because mummy is not well and needs to rest" Norma told her looking at me carefully.

"A-are we safe here?" the little soul asked her and my heart broke at those words thinking that the little girl was so terrified of strangers and me.

"Yes. Jas, we are safe" the grandmother reassured her but then looked at me suspiciously hinting that she had no confidence in me.

I told her it was ready and she woke Jade, the brunette rubbed her eyes and frowned as she wrinkled her nose making her the cutest thing I had ever seen.

I invited the three Thirlwall women to sit at the table and saw their hesitant looks but then they were convinced and took their seats, I brought some bread and roast chicken with a vegetable casserole hoping they would like it and served it with potatoes.

I saw Jade's eyes light up and Norma also betrayed herself when a smile tugged at her lips but she quickly tried to hide it.

I handed the plate with the food to Jasmine who looked at me dumbfounded, "Is this all for me?" she asked her mother who nodded with a huge smile and started cutting the food into cubes.

"Jasmine, thank Perrie" she whispered in her ear.

The little girl turned to me with a blush on her cheeks and without looking at me whispered a thank you to which I replied with a smile.

We ate in silence as the three Thirlwalls enjoyed their first acceptable meal in heaven knows how many weeks, my idea of cooking a little more than I had to was successful when I saw them looking at each other wondering telepathically if it was possible to have an encore, to break the embarrassment I offered them another dish which they gratefully accepted, Norma too.

At the end of the dinner I led them to the guest room where there was a large king-size bed and I saw Jasmine's eyes wandering around the room with surprise and enthusiasm, I gave them towels and clothes together with bath products, wished them a good night and went back to my room, filled the bathtub and basked in the warmth of the boiling water thinking back to my meeting with Jade and with a thousand doubts about what would happen next.

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