12th November 1949

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Chapter 9

The days went by and slowly Jade, Norma, Jasmine and I established a pleasant routine. Every morning I would come down early and have tea with Norma who would tell me about her homeland and her romance with James before going to work, then I would wait for Jade and Jasmine to have a real breakfast with them.

While Jasmine spent the morning playing with her new toys I taught Jade to learn to read and write and saw the excitement and emotion in her eyes the first time she could write her name or read an entire chapter of Orlando.

We would cook together at lunchtime and in the afternoons I would show her books about art explaining what I had learnt, I could see her eyes light up at every new piece of information or wrinkle her nose adorably when she didn't understand something, then Jesy and Leigh-Anne would join us and we would play with Jasmine.

I saw Jade getting more comfortable with my friends every day and I was happy to have two people like them by my side.

12th November 1949

A Saturday afternoon in mid-November arrived, the temperature was cold but together with Jesy I decided to pack a lunch and take a trip to our place in the country. On Friday I told Jade I was going shopping but instead I went to my friend's house to cook with her. I wanted it to be a surprise.

Jesy also invited Leigh wanting to show her the place, the next day, I told Jade and Norma, who had one of her few days off, to dress warmly and get into the car. They looked at me with confusion but did as I said and shortly afterwards joined me at the car with Jasmine who looked like she was about to burst from excitement.

The child was adorable, just like her mother, her eyes lit up at any new discovery and she saw the wonder in everything around her.

Every time I looked at her my heart swelled in my chest and I felt a new desire arise inside me, but I tried to push it away with all my strength knowing that it could not come true, yet every day it became more difficult to ignore it.

I drove for an hour and just before arrival I saw Jade's eyes widen in realisation, "Are we going there?" she asked and I nodded, smiling.

I saw a toothy smile appear on her face and giggled at her enthusiasm, Jade took my hand and squeezed it, in my peripheral vision I saw Norma behind us hinting a satisfied smile.

"Mum, you're going to love this!" the brunette beside me said enthusiastically.

Soon after we arrived at the same place as last time, I could already see Jesy's car parked and felt Jade's grip on my hand and saw her body stiffen.

"Don't worry" I whispered.

"Perrie, it's not safe" she stammered.

"Trust me" she looked at me and sighed but nodded.

I got out of the car and opened the door for Jade and Norma who thanked me, then I grabbed some blankets and a basket and took a few steps towards where we had been the previous time, I felt Jade's hand tighten on my arm and saw her walk hesitantly but she immediately relaxed and smiled when she saw Jesy and Leigh-Anne waiting for us.

The two got up as soon as they saw us and ran to hug Jade and me, Norma looked at us in astonishment but smiled and then waved to the girls.

The old Thirlwall looked around with crystal clear eyes, "These are the places James told me about" she whispered but loud enough for me to hear her, "Wonderful" she smiled inhaling the fresh air.

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