16th September 1949

229 13 36

Chapter 5

"Make me feel" I begged her.

She looked at me and her eyes were three shades darker, they were no longer sweet or caring as I had come to know them, there was a flame in them, something I had never seen before. She took my hand and slowly walked me to the bed, sat me down and sat on my lap, her legs around my hips.

Jade took my lips in hers and kissed me with ardent passion, I felt her teeth bite into my lower lip, a rush of adrenaline coursed through me and the dull throbbing between my thighs returned.

I groaned as her tongue invaded my mouth and began to explore every nook and cranny of it, she slowly began to move over me in a sensual gentle rhythm, I felt my legs turn to jelly as the ache between my thighs became more and more insistent, our tongues met and danced for what seemed like hours, we parted for lack of air but soon after joined again.

I felt shivers run through my skin each time Jade kissed me, then her hands ran over my body, leaving light caresses, she reached behind my back and I felt her unbutton my dress, my body trembling with anticipation even though I had no idea what would happen next. I couldn't wait to find out.


My dress was loosened and Jade helped me undo the sleeves and let it fall, I felt my cheeks become hot and a blush ran down them from embarrassment, I lowered my gaze but Jade put a finger under my chin and lifted my face forcing me to look at her.

I saw adoration and something else in her eyes, something new I couldn't decipher but it made me feel desired.

Jade moved closer and I braced myself for another kiss, but instead her mouth rested on my cheek and I felt moist, warm lips slide leaving wet kisses, she moved and reached my neck, her tongue sliding all over my skin causing me to shiver and get goosebumps, I felt Jade pause on a spot on my neck and kiss it, causing me to twinge with arousal, I closed my eyes and threw my head back as she began to bite it and then run her tongue over it.

I had never felt anything like that before, I could feel the wetness rise between my legs and wet my thighs, Jade's hands roamed over my exposed skin leaving behind trails of shivers, she grabbed my hips and squeezed them making me moan. Moments later she lifted herself up and I lay still under her burning gaze, she moved a few steps away and unfastened her dress, letting it fall too slowly, never breaking eye contact with me.

Her expression was the most sensual thing I had ever seen, as she looked at me and bit her lower lip, I saw Jade caressing her exposed skin and then her hands went behind her back and unhooked her bra, she let it fall to the floor allowing me to admire her perfect breasts, a sudden urge to bite her nipples made its way inside me and I found myself swallowing an invisible lump.

I felt the pain grow between my legs and devastate my body, I needed Jade to ease it, I needed her fingers to touch me and make me feel good.

Jade slipped her slender fingers into the waistband of her panties and slowly dragged them down her legs, I watched each movement carefully and bit my lip, when I looked at her I saw a smirk grace her face.

She came back to me and before I could say or do anything she placed a hand on my chest and pushed me so that I was touching the blanket lying on the bed with my back, I saw Jade grab my dress and drag it towards my feet pulling it off completely. I tried to cover myself in shame but she took my hands and held them firmly at the sides of my head, she sat on my stomach and I felt her wetness soak my skin.

No Time For Us - Jerrie Fanfiction AU ✅Where stories live. Discover now