23rd July 1949

237 17 94

Chapter 3

The days went by, I no longer spoke to my father, we ignored each other at home and tried to stay in the same room as little as possible with each other.

Jesy came to visit me the day after the dinner and asked me how I was, she brought me greetings from Leigh-Anne and I told her about the meeting with Jade, making her promise never to talk about it with anyone. I knew I could trust her. Throughout the story her eyes sparkled with curiosity and at the end she told me that she would like to meet her one day.

I was saddened by the thought, knowing that it would never happen again.

As the days went by, I constantly wondered how she was and what was happening in her life. Several times I found myself asking myself if she was in danger, if she was hurt or if she needed help, the pictures of the bruises on her body and the blood between her thighs did not leave my mind and the memory of her emotionless voice as she told me it would happen again only increased the fear in me.

Beyond that, I couldn't stop thinking about her face with perfect features, her smile gracing her rosy, plump lips, and her soft, warm hands and dark skin next to my pale, freckled one.

Again I found myself fantasising about those lips and wondering what was happening to me. I had never thought of anyone the way I thought of her, I had never longed for anyone's touch the way I longed for hers.

I tried to distract myself from those intrusive thoughts by spending a lot of time with Jesy, also to take my mind off my father and Chris, this led me to find myself in Leigh-Anne's company more and more often. The three of us were becoming good friends and the Jamaican girl would entertain us by telling us stories and traditions of her country.

When we went into bars, people looked at us with scorn and disgust because of the colour of her skin, and day after day, anger and resentment grew within me towards all those people who denigrated and insulted black people.

We were often asked to leave the bars or shops we entered, even when we claimed that Leigh-Anne was the daughter of a Count, people laughed at us and threatened us.

More and more often our meetings took place at the home of one of the three of us, it was safer, especially for Lee.

Our friendship grew so strong that I found myself sharing with Leigh-Anne the encounter with Jade as well. Like Jesy, Leigh was surprised and urged me to go and find her, making my desire to see her obvious.

Every time I thought of her I felt my cheeks turn a deep shade of red and my heart quicken, I wondered what all those strange feelings meant, I looked in books for answers but found nothing. I didn't know who I could talk to about it, I was ashamed and it all felt so wrong... but also so right.

One night I was in my bath soaking in hot water trying to put my thoughts in order. Inevitably I thought of Jade, again. I no longer knew what to do to banish the images of her from my mind, I felt haunted, I wanted to forget her even though deep down I hoped the memory of her would never leave me.

I closed my eyes and tried to remember every detail of her face and body. I felt myself lost in her eyes and felt the air not reach my lungs and my heart speed up, the memory of her naked body, her round full breasts and hard nipples chased each other in my mind and I felt an ache pulsing between my legs, I got scared having never felt anything like that before and with embarrassment I brought my hand to my button, I felt something slimy coming out of my sex and I wondered what was going on knowing that my period had ended a week before.

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