27th April 1950

163 10 64

Chapter 12

"Is there something I should know, Perrie?" my mother asked inquisitively.

I blanched not knowing what to say but I was rescued by Jade who intervened before me, "Mrs Edwards, this is my daughter, Jasmine" she said taking the young girl from my arms, "Say hello, Jasmine" she turned to her daughter.

As she had done the first time with me, Jasmine raised her little hand and greeted my mother who reciprocated in the same way.

"And this is my mother, Norma Badwi-Thirlwall" she pointed to the woman who still looked uncertain in the doorway.

"Pleased to meet you, Norma. I'm Deborah, Perrie's mother. I want to thank you for helping my daughter" my mother said politely, offering her hand to the other woman who hesitantly shook it. "Will you stay for dinner?" my mother asked the three Thirlwalls.

"Yes, they will" I replied, "I wanted to thank them properly for helping me" I said in a convincing tone.

"Great idea, dear!" she replied, "If you would agree I would like to get to know Norma and her family better"

I stood still and realised I couldn't deny her, my mother was far too firm and I knew if I said no she would certainly suspect something was wrong, so I nodded and saw my her smile sweetly, I looked at Jade and Norma apologetically but they nodded understandingly.

We sat down at the table and Jade went to the kitchen to get dinner, the silence in the room was beyond awkward but it was broken by the little Thirlwall, "Perrie, when are we going to the squirrels?" she asked.

I saw my mother listening carefully and tried to ignore her eyes drilling into my soul, "Soon, princess. Saturday?" I asked turning to Jade, she looked between me and my mother and then nodded.

Jasmine did a little dance with excitement and I laughed at her enthusiasm, "Are you going to read Gulliver's story to me?" she asked with puppy-dog eyes, "Mummy didn't read it anymore"

"Mummy didn't have much time" replied Jade annoyed.

"It was better when we were here!" she cried and I closed my eyes to my mother's gaze, I saw Norma pick Jasmine up and walk away cradling her.

"When they were here?" my mother asked. I looked at Jade for help but saw her eyes as lost as mine.


"Like I said, ma'am, Perrie found me at a bad time and offered me hospitality" she finally said.

"I see..." my mother replied looking at me displeased. "Where is Jasmine's father, Jade?" she asked turning to the brunette.

I saw Jade whiten and felt the blood drain from my face as well. I prayed for Norma to come and save the day but she was nowhere to be seen.

"He's... he is..." Jade stammered and I saw my mother look between me and her.

"Alright. Perrie, please follow me" she ordered as she walked up the stairs, entered my room and I followed her keeping my eyes fixed on the floor, "Look at me" she said through clenched teeth and I took a deep breath before raising my head. I saw confusion and irritation.

"For God's sake, could you tell me who these people are and why they seem to have lived here for God knows how long?!"

"I told you. I found Jade and she needed help, I just offered her a place for a few days"

"Didn't it seem like it was only a few days and why do you seem to know each other much better than you claim?" she asked, getting more and more irritated.

No Time For Us - Jerrie Fanfiction AU ✅Where stories live. Discover now