4th June 1950

145 9 41

Chapter 16

The next morning I was awakened at 8 o'clock by the ringing of the doorbell, I rushed downstairs hoping to find the woman I loved in front of me but to my sad surprise I only saw my friend looking at me as if I were made of glass.

"Don't show all that enthusiasm" she teased me and I apologised to her for my bad manners, "Come on, go take a bath and get dressed. We're going out" she told me reassuringly.

"I don't want to go out, Jade might call and I need to be here if she does"

"If Jade wanted to call she wouldn't wait until the last moment" Jesy replied and I felt my heart sink again at the realisation that her words were nothing but the truth.

I nodded my head in surrender and did as she told me, forty minutes later I got into her car and stood in silence trying to lose myself in the sound of the music playing on the radio, I felt Jesy's hand squeeze mine and silently thanked her before falling asleep.

I woke up shaken by two soft hands and opened my eyes finding my friend standing in front of me looking at me with compassionate eyes and wiping away the tears I didn't realise I had shed, I felt a warm breeze hit my face and I looked around trying to recognise the place.

"Where are we?" I asked her confused.

"Let's just say someone requested your presence on a special day" she told me, smiling.

I got out of the car and looked around, gaping at the view and followed Jesy who was carrying two bags.

A few minutes later we went down a long path and I saw Jesy stop just in front of me and take off her shoes, I did the same and going forward I felt the sand surround my feet.

A few minutes later we went down a long path and I saw Jesy stop just in front of me and take off her shoes, I did the same and going forward I felt the sand surround my feet

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I frowned in confusion and looked at Jesy who didn't stop smiling for a second, then she pointed to a group of people a few metres away from us and I opened my eyes wide with excitement when I recognised them.

"Mom!" I heard shouting and saw my princess run towards me and throw herself into my arms, I caught her on the fly and spun her around before tickling her, her laughter filled my ears and I felt tears sting my eyes.

"Hello, princess" I said putting her on the ground and kneeling at her height, she wrapped her arms around my neck and I felt my heart swell and the world become in colour again, "Happy birthday, darling!"

I let go of Jas who ran back down the beach and looked at Jesy who was watching me happily, I turned to Jade who was watching the scene from afar and saw her smile at me, I smiled back but couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

"Can you explain?" I asked my friend as we walked to join the group.

"Well, Jade wanted to call you but felt embarrassed and guilty so she called me asking if I had an idea, which of course I did because I'm me" she said amused and I smiled, "So Leigh-Anne picked them up this morning and brought them here and I came to pick you up" she told me smugly.

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