14th May 1950

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Chapter 14

14th May 1950

On Saturday, Jade, Jasmine and I went to the countryside again, as planned, and Jesy and Leigh-Anne accepted the invitation and joined us, Norma also managed to come and I was delighted, and after a long talk with Jade, we decided to invite my mother too.

Although it was rather awkward at first, as the hours went by and thanks to Jesy and Leigh's jovial nature, the tension vanished, leaving room only for cheerfulness and laughter.

As always Jasmine seemed happier than ever and I lost myself watching her happily running through the green fields and flowering trees. I wondered what it would be like to see her grow up, send her to school and help her with her homework together with Jade. All the dreams I had had months before returned and, unlike in the past, seemed more attainable.

I stroked my belly thinking about when another child would join our strange and unusual family, I wondered if one day we would be able to live our love story in the sunlight, I wondered if there would come a time when we would be accepted.

Jade's hand reached for mine and squeezed it, then placed it on my belly and rubbed soothing circles, I looked at her lovingly and then felt it.

"Oh my God!" cried Jade looking at me touched, "Did you feel that?" she asked continuing to move her hand, I looked at her and nodded with a huge smile on my lips.

"Is everything alright?" my mother asked alarmed as everyone turned and watched us waiting for an answer.

"Y-yes" I stammered, "The baby... kicked" I said with emotion in my voice. I looked at Jade again and saw happy tears streaming down her face, I couldn't help but smile wishing I could kiss her for a long time and express all the love I felt for her.

Everyone smiled and even my mother looked at us with admiration and pride.

We spent the rest of the day in total peace, cuddled by the rustle of the leaves moving in the fresh air, the sound of the water flowing in the stream just behind us and above all Jasmine's infectious laughter.

Jade walked up to me and squeezed my hand, "So, the 3rd of June is Jasmine's birthday..." she said hesitantly, "I would love it if you were there, she would too" she said smiling.

A huge smile broke out on my face and I nodded, "Of course I'll be there!" I shouted enthusiastically drawing everyone's attention, minus Jasmine's thankfully, "What would you like to do?" I asked lowering my voice.

"Oh... I don't know, we've never done big things, but I managed to save up money to get her a cake" she told me proudly.

"That's great, Jade!" I said, stroking her cheek and saw her smile as a blush stained her cheeks.

I saw my mother watching every interaction between Jade and me but I found no anger or disgust in her eyes, only peace.

"What do you say we plan an outing? We could go to the beach and if it's warm enough even go swimming"

Jade lowered her gaze and I wondered if I had said something bad, "Is something wrong?" I asked her.

She hesitated and looked around, she saw that everyone was watching us and I looked at them silently asking them to stop, which they did. My mother got up and walked over to Jasmine, I looked at her curiously, as Jade did and then I saw her pick up one of the dolls and start playing with the little girl, shortly after Norma joined them.

I was happy to see that scene and if I hadn't been there I probably wouldn't have believed it.

Jesy and Leigh smiled at us and got up with the excuse of going for a walk and stretching their legs, leaving us alone.

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