11th March 1950

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Chapter 11

11th March 1950

"Perrie?!" Her voice sounded incredulous.

I knew if I turned around and saw her I wouldn't be able to leave, so I took another step forward, towards the courtyard, but I staggered and leaned against the doorframe trying to regain my strength.

I felt her hands supporting me and I gasped, her touch brought back too many good memories that were then painful knowing how it had ended. I sighed and turned around finally seeing her stunning face. Her gaze turned to shock and I saw her eyes become watery.

"Oh my God" she gasped bringing a hand to her mouth, "Perrie, what happened?" she asked.

"Nothing. I have to go" I told her coldly.

"No, you're not going anywhere until you tell me what happened"

"You have no right to tell me what to do!" I snapped at her and saw her flinch.

She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, "You're right. I'm sorry" she lowered her gaze, "Please, just tell me what happened" she begged.

"It's nothing serious" I repeated.

"Don't fucking lie to me!" she shouted and I opened my eyes wide back remembering my father's screams.

"Oh my God! I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't mean to scream" she leaned closer and I let her, "Let me help you, alright?" she offered me her hand and after long moments of thought I accepted it. She walked me to the couch where I had spent the night.

"Who did this?" she asked, sitting beside me on the sofa and stroking my face where the bruises were visible.

I hesitated and didn't answer, "Was it Chris?" she asked but I shook my head and denied it, "Perrie, is he violent to you?" she demanded again.

"No. He didn't do it. And no, he isn't violent to me, nor has he ever been" I said firmly.

"So were you assaulted?" her eyes filled with concern and then I saw her gasp, "Oh my God, Perrie! Did someone... Did someone rape you?" she asked with panic in her voice.

"What? No! No!" I spoke wildly hoping she would put that thought out of her mind, I saw the tears fall from her eyes and saw her let out a sigh of relief.

"My father" I admitted, knowing that if I didn't speak she would think of a million horrible possibilities, "I told him I wanted to file for divorce and... well, he didn't take it well" I said sarcastically.

"That wasn't the first time, was it?" she asked empathetically, I sighed and nodded admitting the truth.

Jade squeezed my hand and looked at me gently, I pulled my hand away because every minute I spent with her made it harder to have to leave.

"Sorry, I have to go" I told her in the end.

I stood up and wobbled to the door, "I'm sorry" I heard her murmur and turned around to find her with red, swollen eyes and fresh tears framing her face. I closed my eyes and sighed, ready to get out of that laundry and out of her life.

"I'm in love with you too"

I heard the words and stood still, my heart sped up like a train and I thought I might have a heart attack right then. I didn't look at her but felt her gaze on me, "I tried so hard to forget you but it was hopeless" she continued, "I left because I wanted it to be easier for you, I hoped that one day you would forget me and move on and have your best life"

No Time For Us - Jerrie Fanfiction AU ✅Where stories live. Discover now