10th March 1950

179 12 36

Chapter 10

It was that night that Jade left me, waited for me to fall asleep and when I woke up the next day I found no one, all of Jade, Norma and Jasmine's things disappeared with them, as if they had never been there in the first place.

I still remember the despair in my heart and in my voice as I screamed her name and waited for her to tell me it was just a joke and she would not leave, but she never answered.

Just as she didn't reply that night to my statement, she didn't say anything, she held me and kissed me, I didn't realise at that moment that that kiss, for her, meant goodbye.

I waited for hours for their return without any success, then I decided to go to her house thinking that we could talk and maybe solve it, when I arrived the door was ajar and I prayed that she had left it open for me, when I entered my heart collapsed.

The dark, familiar room was empty, as was my home without her and her family, exactly how my heart felt when I realised Jade had decided to leave forever and never look back.

I spent all day looking for her, asking people but no one answered, either they didn't know her or they pretended not to.

I thought of every conversation I had with her that might give me a clue as to where she might be, out of hopelessness I returned home and took the car and drove to our place, it was impossible that she was there, but in desperation I tried everything.

I prayed and hoped that by a miracle she would be there waiting for me, but she wasn't.

I cried and screamed for hours, curled up in a ball, asking God or whoever was there to bring her back to me, but I got nothing.

I went home late at night and holed up in my bed, thinking about what we had been through there, thinking about what we had shared and wondering if she was safe, if she had eaten or if she was cold. I wondered where she was hiding and if anyone had tried to harm her or Jasmine.

I waited for hours to hear the sweet little girl's laughter or her plea for me to read her another chapter of her favourite book, I hoped to hear her footsteps through the house and her mother's laughing chases and then her adorable giggles as she tickled her, but all that remained was silence.

I fell asleep clutching her pillow to my chest still imagining how her hair felt between my fingers and prayed it was just a nightmare, but deep down I knew it was nothing but reality.

The next morning I was woken up by Jesy, I opened my eyes to find my friend sitting on the edge of my bed stroking my hair.


"We were supposed to have breakfast together, remember? When you didn't show up I got worried" she said cautiously, "Pez.... what happened? It seems like you haven't stopped crying in weeks"

"She left" I said bursting into tears.

"What? Why?"

"She said we couldn't have a future" I said simply, "I admitted my feelings and she left" I sobbed tirelessly and felt Jesy's arms wrap around me and cradle me.

"I... I'm so sorry, darling" she said sadly, while keeping holding me.

Weeks went by, I tried to go back to living my life normally, but everything seemed to have lost its colour and magic, I went to feminist meetings more and more frequently, I studied every art book I could find, I spent a lot of time with my mother learning new recipes and I spent a lot of time in Jes and Leigh's company but I didn't really feel the joy in doing any of those things.

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