Me and Buck had gone on a few more dates since our late-night beach walk. I thought my feelings towards Buck were always in a friendly way, but the more time we have been spending at the apartment and on dates, the more I have realised that I am falling hard for him. At the apartment nothing has been weird, the standard of relationship we have now maintains at home and sometimes on shift. We don't want to act how we sometimes act at home and at work because it might send people the wrong signals and we don't want anyone to know what is going on just yet until we both decide I committed relationship is what we want.
Everyone at work has now gotten used to me and Buck rolling into work together since he became my romy. At some points, Hen and Chim both insinuated something more was going on between us but we shut that down quickly and haven't heard anything else about it. I am pretty sure Eddie has seen something but I can't be sure. He and Buck are obviously really good friends now I'm sure Buck likes him more than me but oh well. Me and Buck went around Eddie's last night and had a movie night with Christopher since we hadn't seen him in a while, more like a week but he's too adorable not to miss. Another reason we went around was because Eddie was struggling since Sharron had come back for the interview at Chirs' new school, Eddie didn't know what he wanted anymore and it was making him go crazy.
Today the morning was going great. We all were in the kitchen having our family breakfast, Playing games on the console and just our standard making sure we had all of our equipment for when we have a call, Lucky for us the B shift did most of that for us so we just got to chill. We got our first call of the day and honestly, it was weird. Upon arrival, we saw a woman in a burgundy dressing gown standing on a bridge ledge in front of a sign that said 'See me Norman'. I don't know who this Norman person is but he must have fucked up for her doing this for the whole country to see.
"Hell no! I won't come down until Norman sees me! And don't you try to force me down!" The crazy blond yelled as we were inflating the airbag below her.
"Nobody's gonna force you to do anything. We're just gonna talk. What's your name?"
"Lola, my name's Athena. What's the problem?""The problem? The problem is, after 30 years of marriage, I can't get 30 seconds of attention from my husband! It's like I'm invisible! But I'm-I'm not invisible! I am here, damn it! See me, Norman! See me now?!" Lola opens her robe showing all the people below her naked body.
"Oh, for God's sake."
"Definitely not invisible," Bobby said putting his gaze on Athena
Athena had had enough of the crap. "Can somebody please find me this Norman before she does something crazy... er?""Cap, what are we doing?" I jog over to Bobby pointing to Lola "We can't leave her up there"
"I want you, Eddie and Buck, at the top, I don't care which one but one of youse are going to go down there with her."
I ran up the hill at the side of the freeway making my way up to Eddie and Buck who were still by the engine. We get the gear out and start setting up a harness at the end of the bridge so we could get down with Lola. I put a helmet on and start harnessing myself up when I get looks from the two men.
"What do you think you're doing?" Buck asked stopping me from putting my gear on.
"I'm going down there with her, she's already pissed off at a man so it would be best as a fellow woman to go down and talk to her," I said clipping myself to the rope climbing onto the bridge ready to lower myself.
"Just be safe okay," Buck said. I rolled my eyes and I did my fingers crossed for him.
"Okay, move Brea into position." I started to climb over the stone bridge "Okay, Chim." Everyone below ran with the airbag putting it below Lola.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" She screamed "What are you doing?! I-I told you! I told you!"

The Captains Daughter 9-1-1
ActionBrea Nash moved to the 118 with her father Bobby Nash Brea has a tough past with the death of her family and with her ex-boyfriend. Brea thinks she can only deal with it by herself so what will happen when the whole team have her back? S1-? There wi...