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"Okay, you've officially reached Fort Knox-level security," Chim said after putting the last camera up climbing down from the ladders.

"Oh, you think it's too much?"

"Three motion sensors in the living room? I mean, maybe if you're trying to keep Tom Cruise
from getting his hands on your NOC list." The brunette looked really confused. "Mission: Impossible. No?"

"Sorry, haven't seen it."

"Travesty," Chim says before grabbing the tablet to get the security app up to show her.

"I brought doughnuts!" Brea announced walking into the house holding a bright pink box. Brea had missed Maddie she hadn't seen her since Maddie did the ride along with Athena and that felt like ages ago so she couldn't wait to see her favourite Buckley again.

"Oh come here, feel like I haven't seen you in ages" Maddie laughed bringing the blond into a hug. "How have you been?"

"Great, if good to be back in my apartment plus I have a roomy now." She says pointing to the other blond outside. It had been a few days since Brea insisted Buck moved in with her since she had a spare room. Honestly in the last few days, it's been super fun with the movie night, Walks with Odie and the mini playdates between Christopher and Buck. The house is spotless which was Brea's worry about letting Buck move in she thought he was going to wreck the place but he has been a great hand around the house.

"I'm surprised you haven't kicked him out yet" Chim laughed

Brea rolled her eyes at his comment and a slight smile crept onto her face. "He's not bad, he's really helpful around the apartment"

Maddie gasped "You like him"

"I do not" Brea giving Maddie a disapproving look.

"Yes you do, that little smile keeps creeping on your face when you talk about him" Maddie was now smiling brightly pointing at Brea's face

She looked at Chimney who was engrossed in his tablet for moving closer to Maddie. "Okay maybe like a little bit, but we're just good friends I couldn't cross that line" Before the conversation could continue the pair heard the two men grunting from outside.

"Maybe we pop the hinges off the door," Eddie said leaning against the archway of the house.

"Or we use the Jaws of Life," Buck said which made Eddie point his finger at him in approval but gaining looks from the two women.

"No, no, no. It has to fit. I measured it twice. Can't you guys just, you know, turn it around the other way?" It was the first time Maddie was moving into a place of her own so she was stressed and wanted everything to go right.

"And then the pizza will slide off."

"You have pizza on her new sofa?" Brea swatted Buck in the head taking the pizza into the kitchen

Buck rubbed the back of his head watching the two women who became friends way too fast leave them hanging. "It's on the plastic."

"I'm sorry. You were showing me the security app." Maddie said rushing back into Chimney who was standing there waiting.

"All right, pivot," Eddie grunted as they were trying the get the sofa around the corner.

Chim started pressing different buttons on the tablet. "Okay, so, basically, you can check everything on here."

"Lift with your legs boys." Brea encouraged them like a coach.

"And you can also check it on your phone if you're not at home."

The Captains Daughter 9-1-1Where stories live. Discover now