Merry Ex-Mass

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Christmas was Brea's favourite holiday, she even enjoyed it more than her birthday. Since she was ecstatic in the Christmas mood she put her red Santa hat on and started blasting Christmas music into Buck's ears. To say the least, he was not amused and threw multiple pillows at her to get her out of the room. Brea was up at the crack of dawn making Christmas brownies and making sure she had enough gifts to bring to the Christmas drive the station was doing.

The relationship with Buck made her happier, being able to spend Christmas with the person you love. Yes, she loves Buck and Brea never thought she would ever be able to again yet Buck has brought the best side in her out and made her feel so loved and cared for since she got here. Everything was going well, they had a few spats here and there but every relationship does and no matter what gets in their way they always come on top even closer than before. They really can get through anything.

The Christmas tree was up at the station with multi-coloured lights streaming through, with red, gold and silver shiny baubles and a glittery gold star on the top. All the team took part in the decorating at some point but mainly left it up to Brea as she was barking orders at them all and saying they were doing things wrong. Brea was a perfectionist when it came to Christmas, everything had to go the right way or it would be too stressful for her and she wouldn't enjoy it.

Last night we were called to a frosty the snowman attack. It turns out that this man was jealous that his neighbour's Christmas decorations attracted the community every single year and decided he had had enough so he climbed up onto the roof and made an announcement of some sort to the neighbourhood, put frosty up and boom he fell off the roof and fell onto his baby Jesus set up. Luckily the man wasn't severely injured as the plastic set-up broke his fall but his wife did have a lot to say about getting all of the attention that he always wanted in a not-so-friendly way.

On the drive, everything was going amazing. They were handing out hot chocolate with marshmallows, little Chrismas goody bags and of course the brownies Brea had made. All the kids had been so grateful for what they had received and even some parents had tears in their eyes seeing how their children lit up at receiving a today. These are the moments when you realise not everybody in society is bad and that people will go out of their way to help the people who need it the most, especially in this festive time.

Minding our own businesses we were all playing games and interacting with the kids when we heard Eddie say 'Shannon'. Since Shannon came back into Chris and Eddie's lives it has been hard to get a read on them, Chris of course is so happy to see his Mom after not seeing her for two years however for Eddie it is hard to know what he thinks, he loves the idea of her being back but is scared that she is just going to leave again and that means he would have to let Christopher down again. The pair were going back and forth with their conversation before Shannon came out with something rather blunt.

"We can actually have a conversation that doesn't end up with us in bed."

The entire room basically went quiet and all you could hear was the Christmas music in the background. Eddie was flustered by the sudden comment and couldn't look at his team, instead he lead Shannon to the locker room to talk about whatever was going on out. From the few quick glances Brea and the rest of the team took you could tell that it was tense, it looked like it was mainly Shannon going after Eddie but who knows unless he decides to share the awkward encounter.


Tonight was the night when Brea's apartment would transform into something from the North Pole. She had given strict instructions to Buck, if he wanted to help he has to listen to her if not don't get in the way or go out with Eddie. When Buck decided to stay it made Brea go all warm inside, he knew how much this holiday meant to her and wanted to contribute to make it the most special one yet. They didn't get a real tree but got one that was covered in fake snow, Buck managed to get in the corner while Brea was bringing up all the ornaments and other holiday items she had just bought.

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