Prologue : (Y/N) Is A Gloomy Nobody

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Before we start our adventure, would you kindly leave a certain item in my treasure chest.

You see this is no ordinary chest, it's a special box that used to send items to our boring Male Reader.

My beloved audience you can send any item in this chest, that could help (Y/N) in his adventure.

In certain points of the story, the chest icon will appear out of nowhere and all you have to do is comment on the item you want.

It will be picked randomly and the item can only be used in the next chapter.


Here we are!

Now that we have everything out of the way, let's continue our adventure in this new reality

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Now that we have everything out of the way, let's continue our adventure in this new reality.



Date : 7th February 20XX - Afternoon

Location : Human Village - The market




Looks like everyone is having a great time, I wish I could feel the same.

Looks like everyone is having a great time, I wish I could feel the same

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*sigh~* Is this where I start my monologuing about myself right. Honestly I find it pretty tiring and bothersome, I mean who wants to learn about nobody who isn't even an interesting character.

However I'm afraid I have no choice, but to do so for the majority of people reading my tale..... Welp here goes nothing I guess.

Hello everyone my name is (Y/N), just (Y/N). Sadly I wasn't given a second name due to my family disowning me when I was younger. Quite a sad story isn't.... Well not really.

I'm currently 20 years old, the age of being a proper man for the very first time. Even though I wouldn't consider myself the most manly man here.

I also have a part time job at a certain pub called Geidontei, however I not that great at my work and I'm pretty sure I'll be fired soon.... Well that's what I thought at first.

The Life Of An Ordinary Villager (Touhou x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now