Chapter 16 : Starving Misfortune

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~now playing some classic background music for the smooth early night as the sun sleeps, you can never go wrong dancing to the Waltz~

Date : 4th April 20XX - Early evening

Location : The Human Village - The market.... Again? No seriously why is it always the market, what the actual fu-




Hey viewers great to see all you again- Actually no that was a lie, the fact you're still watching my entire personal life makes me question if reality is just some comedy script.

Then again reality is parody itself, slowly one by one abnormal changes begin to take place while we ask ourselves what caused it to happen in the first place. From generation to generation each problem is meant for the next one.

It's kinda crazy when you think about it, but I ain't no philosopher nor am I a genius. Anyone can become those titles in an instant, so it really doesn't make you special at all.

Oh shit I'm ranting again aren't I? Sorry about that normally I over think things that don't really matter, how it's important to learn a few new things everyday...... Yet too much knowledge is often quite painful indeed.

I guess it's better to be a little dumb in the head~

Anyway as you can see I'm back at the market yet again, surprisingly it feels as if this place is like my most favorite area.... or the author is just being lazy with the scenery. I mean wouldn't you viewers wanna see Yokai Mountain, The Netherworld, Garden of the Sun, Myouren Temple, Scarlet Devil Mansion and- Hey you know what forget about it..... As expected of boring story telling.

*sigh~* But whatever there aren't dark clouds bringing forth my demise or anything, maybe being simple isn't the worst thing in the world. I mean I'm the 'Ordinary Villager' isn't this suppose to be my own fate to control?

Well anyway it doesn't matter in the slightest because today is..... Just a normal day, but for some reason it feels like something bizarre is gonna happen later on. However today is just going to be some basic grocery shopping.

Recently the goods in my apartment have been going quite low due to the Poverty Goddess eating everything out of house and home, which leaves me in a bit of a pickle situation.... And no I don't mean that dumbass 'Pickle Rick meme'..... Thank God social media dosent exist here- Oh wait never mind the Tengu exist......

Man those damn newspaper blue birds, the average Twitter users of Gensokyo because of the amount of bullshit they write in those damn insufferable reading materials.

*sigh~* There I go again with my rambling as usual.... Honestly I find it hard to believe any of you find me interesting or maybe meeting your favorite 2hus in the eyes of a male reader are what you're here for?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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