Chapter 5 : The Man Without Love

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~funky music plays in the background~

Date : 14th February 20XX - Early Afternoon

Location : Human Village - Outside Suzunaan



Kosuzu : " E-Eh? You're already leaving (Y/N), but we didn't finish arranging the books in their proper order and we never placed them in the correct-"

(Y/N) : " Yeah I'm calling it quits today Motoori-san. An acquaintance of mine is alone back home, so sadly I gotta get going before she starts trouble."

Kosuzu : " B-But you promised to spend the entire day with me, are you saying that you c-can't keep your promise?"

(Y/N) : " *sigh~* Look it's not like I'm trying to avoid you or anything, it's just that today feels a bit troublesome. I can't really explain it, but I know something bizarre is gonna happen."

Kosuzu : " (depressed) But you promised though..... I knew it you hate me don't you, that would explain why you're trying to run away.... (Y/N) is so heartless."

Seriously? God dammit why are the women in Gensokyo such a pain to deal with, doesn't she know I have a life of my own- Oh welcome back viewers to another of my adventures.

And yes today I decided to pay a visit to Suzunaan. After how last night went I really felt bad for treating Kosuzu poorly, don't get me wrong but I'm still a jackass.... With a heart gold.

So yeah that was my plan, however Maribel is still staying in my apartment. She said she'll return to the outside world this evening, but leaving her alone with Shion is an absolute death sentence.

Already the two despise each other and thanks to the squabble I'm in the mix of their drama.... Good grief these women will be the death of me.

(Y/N) : " Listen Motoori-san I really must go-

??? : " Oh what we have here? A young man abandoning an innocent girl for his own beastly desires, surely there's no honor in it."

(Y/N) : "....... You got to be kidding me right now.... Why did you have to show up....."

As if my day could get any worse, another person with purple hair and eyes, while wearing a traditional outfit that screams 'I'm rich' rudely enters the conversation.

A loli that is reincarnated every single time after the age of 30 and the head of the Hieda family. Hieda no Akyuu the Chronicler of the Human Village.

 Hieda no Akyuu the Chronicler of the Human Village

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