Chapter 13 : Blame It On The Dango

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~the beautiful sunny day has settled into a deep slumber, a calming melody plays in the background while the night sky slowly settles in~

Date : 14th March 20XX - Early evening

Location : Human Village - Somewhere near a certain Dango shop

Seiran POV



Today is the worst day of my life and it's just about to get even worse-

??? : " How utterly revolting these treats taste, never in my entire life have I ever tasted something so horrendous and disgusting! Do you seriously call yourself a proper saleswoman moon rabbit, because your products are complete trash!"

??? : " My maid Sakuya makes way better snacks than this! Do you really believe these worthless items are going to help you move up in the world, how despicable and petty indeed."

Seiran : " P-Please go easy on me Miss S-Scarlet, I'm r-really trying my best to make these but the funds for ingredients are a b-bit low this month!"

Seiran : " I didn't mean to insult y-you in anyway or a-anything, if you wish for a r-refund I'll gladly request it for you-"

??? : " That isn't the point wench! The fact you being here is enough to make my blood boil and stating such obvious terms that your own dango is terrible, it's beyond pathetic I tell you! Don't you lunarians have in any pride in your work."

??? : " I Remilia Scarlet of the Scarlet Devil Mansion and manipulator of one's fate, demand you shut this business of yours down for good! Your dango is absolute rubbish and it's poor quality is not meant for selling!!!"

??? : " I Remilia Scarlet of the Scarlet Devil Mansion and manipulator of one's fate, demand you shut this business of yours down for good! Your dango is absolute rubbish and it's poor quality is not meant for selling!!!"

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Remilia : " (smug) Honestly these idiotic human villagers should be thanking me for this outcome, I had finally freed them from eating your slop everyday. Well aren't I a matured heroine among these mindless sheep~"

Seiran : " (._.)"

W-Why did you have to show up today, out of all the customers I've served you're the only one I didn't want to meet. What are you doing in the Human Village anyway, how the heck did she get past the scary teacher!?

And to make matters worse she's causing an unnecessary scene in front of my shop, some of the locals are staring at like we're the crazy ones. Darn it why did Ringo-senpai leave all the hard work for me.... I bet she's at home sleeping as usual.

The only reason we came to Earth was to escape Lunar Capital and start a new here, but it's not as different from the moon. I was expecting a big change, yet in the end my hopes were too high..... Humans and Yokai are no different from lunarians.

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