Chapter 1 : You Can't Force Love

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Date : 8th February 20XX - Evening

Location : The Yokai Trail - Mystia's Vendor




Mystia : " Please work for me instead (Y/N)-kun! Whatever they're paying at that pub, I'll pay you in double!"

(Y/n) : " Sorry Mystia-san but I'm already committed to my job, besides I'm not really well suited for your type of establishment."

Good grief... Here we go agai- Oh hello viewers I never thought I'll see any of you again, does that mean the prologue went well? Do all of you find an ordinary guy like me interesting?

Well whatever it's none of my business, you must be wondering what I'm doing this fine evening. Welp I decided to treat myself for some delicious grilled lamprey from a certain vendor. The owner of this little business is Mystia Lorelei, she's one of my good friends.

 And to answer your question yes she's also a bird yokai, but a decent one in my eyes

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..... And to answer your question yes she's also a bird yokai, but a decent one in my eyes. Sometimes every evening before I go back home, I make sure to pay a visit to this place.

Mystia herself is quite kind and friendly. She allows me to eat here for free, even though I always try to pay her. I'm not the type of person to advantage of one's kindness.

So why must- Wait you don't care about my explanations? You wish to learn about our conversation we were having earlier?

*sigh~* Very well then, I'll proceed with your demands. Apparently after having a delicious meal, Mystia asked me if I wanted to work for her. Of course I declined the position, however the conversation kinda escalated from there.

Now she's practically begging me to accept her offer, this is such a pain to deal with it. I wonder why a nobody is getting such opportunities, they're wasting their time on a useless person like myself.

Mystia : " (cute pose technique) Oh come on (Y/N)-kun~ Pretty please, I promise as your employer I'll take good care of you. Please join my business~"

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