Chapter 2 : A Quiet Life Isn't Possible

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[Warning : The chest shall appear again, all items from the previous chapters are still available]

[If you wish to add more treasures for (Y/N) please do so, but remember the items are randomly selected]

[Thank you for your cooperation]



~charming music plays in the background~

Date : 10th February 20XX - Morning

Location : Human Village - Geidontei




Gensokyo... Apart from it being infested with dangerous yokai, it's quite a peaceful place to live in.

No worries over hardship, but only gentle bliss to those who deserve it's sweet nectar.

Sadly I'm not one of those people.......

(Y/N) : " (pours the sake into two cups) Here's the usual as always gentlemen, please try not to down it too fast like the last time

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(Y/N) : " (pours the sake into two cups) Here's the usual as always gentlemen, please try not to down it too fast like the last time."

Middle aged man 1 : " Ah~ As expected from our dear buddy (Y/N)! He knows exactly what the good stuff is hahaha~"

Middle aged man 2 : " Hard to believe a youngling like him is capable of understanding our taste of sake, the owner made a wise decision hiring him."

Middle aged man 2 : " Hah! Of course he's one of a kind, the kid definitely has a bright future ahead of him

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Middle aged man 2 : " Hah! Of course he's one of a kind, the kid definitely has a bright future ahead of him."

I don't know about that one old man, but whatever it's your opinion- Oh the viewers are back.... Good grief.... Don't you people have anything better to do, instead of interfering with my personal life.

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