Chapter 14 : The Vaas Montenegro Experience

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Date : 16th March 20XX - Late Morning

Location : Eientei - Outside yard

Vaas POV



Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again expecting... shit to change... But I'm sure you've already heard this from before you mother fuckers.


Kidding! I'm just kidding~ I'm just laying here on the soft grass of mother earth, it's refreshing as always while letting your thoughts run wild.

Anyway let's forget about that for now, Hello my name is Vaas Montenegro~ A simple man relaxing in his own little paradise, while enjoying the view of the crystal blue sky. Tell me have you ever layed still on the ground and watched the clouds pass by, it's beautiful I tell you fucking amazing for the sad lonely pussies of this shitty place.

It's been almost a year since I came into this Wonderland and it has been treating me quite well, yet I'm supposed to be dead. I can remember my death like it was yesterday, trapped in an illusion where mind fuckery has taken place into my skull.

Oh Jason Brody.... My sweet little white boy. You really had to become a pawn to my sister's demands, full of lust, anger and violence you believed you were a MAN. But in the end you really became the 'Warrior' my sister always wanted...... I'm so disappointed Jason.

However I'm not gonna lie getting stabbed multiple times fucking hurts, but I knew I was finally free from all that bullshit and embrace the afterlife with a grin on my face.... Yet I didn't die nor was I on the island anymore.

Instead of dying I was brought here to this fantasy land by some blonde bitch, against my will I was taken away from my fate and given a second chance of life. In all honesty it's bullshit, that bitch had the audacity to change my fucking fate.

And too make it even more shittier she dropped me in the middle of a bamboo forest, while I was still bleeding out from the multiple stab wounds. Absolutely rude I tell you, completely ridiculous and stupid.

But I guess I can't complain anymore since I've been saved from dying in an unknown forest, apparently there was a medical facility nearby and I was lucky enough for someone to spot me on the ground. That someone was a rabbit named Reisen, who was kind enough to bring me too this facility and get treated.

A humanoid rabbit was the one that saved my life in Wonderland..... So that's how little Alice felt when fell into the rabbit hole.

After getting the treatment for my bloody wounds I was introduced to the doctor herself, a woman by the name of Eirin Yagokoro. She basically explained the entire situation to me about this land called Gensokyo and all the other crap. However I couldn't believe any of it at all.

Imagine being told 'Gods' existed and 'Death' is someone who slacks off half of the time, it sounds pretty fucking ridiculous despite supernatural creatures also existing as well. Any man would be confuse yet I find it amusing, it's incredible there are more fucked up places than what goes in my head.

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