Chapter 15 : The Fairy King In Pseudo Paradise

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Date : 21st March 20XX - Afternoon

Location : Palace of the Earth Spirits - Satori's office




Hey viewers it's been a while huh? Well has everything been going great for everyone so far in life, well it's not that I'm interested since you're the ones watching me all the time. I mean wouldn't it be weird for a bunch of people watching some random guy go through the struggles of life itself?

Well I hope you guys got something better to do than watch this nobody, since male readers and OCs are the chopping blocks for character growth and development for falling in love with their favorite fictional characters despite just being a horny degenerate just wanting some maidens. We all get a little lonely sometimes..... Sadly my father was one of them...... Shitty lonely old man.

My father was always that one guy you'd never invite to a party. Why do you ask, well he's the type of person who would drug you and sell off your organs on the Black Market just to buy a Pepsi...... He drinks Pepsi, that's definition of a psychopath right there.

But gotta admit I do miss him a bit. Sure he was hardly in my life, but at least he was there for my birthdays and such. He isn't a terrible dad nor is a good one, yet I still care about that crappy author.

Heh it's funny really because I'm pretty sure he's gone missing somewhere with one of his minions, he always did favor Jeff out of everyone and they're probably stuck in another Touhou universe or something.


Eh? You're wondering who the hell is Jeff? Well since I'm only speaking about him now, I guess I'll talk about him-


Satori : " Please Hakurei-san there's no need to take your anger out on my furniture!? Please do listen what I have to say-!"

Reimu : " SHUT THE HELL UP THIRD EYE! You're one of the reasons why there's a problem on the surface! Today I thought there wasn't going to be an incident, but no you yokai had to screw up as usual!"

Satori : " Wait I'm trying to understand the situation properly- W-Wait Cooler started an incident involving the fairies in the forest!?"

Reimu : " HAH! I guess you really do know that purple yokai after all, well why don't you continue to read my mind more before I exterminate you until there's nothing left!"

Satori : " W-Wait hold on a moment Hakurei-san! I can't control my ability properly under so much pressure, please calm down just a bit-"

Reimu : " Do I even look calm to you Satori, today was going to be my big donation deposit this month and now I'm here cleaning up this mess. DO I EVEN LOOK CALM TO YOU!!!"

Satori : " Please don't break anymore of my stuff-!"



(Y/N) : " (-_-)"

...... Uh yeah why don't we talk about Jeff another time viewers, right now this ordinary nobody just got caught up in this whacky shit and oh boy will it be an interesting one.

Play some background music, for moments like these it's deserves some suspence and humor into it. Since you know you gotta have some goofy sounds to build tension and ice cold suspense.

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