Chapter 10 : Your Love Is My Drug

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~a calm melody of musical instruments play in the background~

Date : 4th March 20XX - Midday

Location : Human Village - The market.... again




Kokoro : " (Y/N)-nii! (Y/N)-nii! Look at me it's your Kokoro-chan, I've been waiting to see you forever-"

Koishi : " No (Y/N)-niisan look over here~ Koi-chan has been extremely worried about you, since you hardly pay a visit to-"

Kokoro : " Hey you hussy! Why are you getting so close to (Y/N)-nii, could you kindly step away from him. He doesn't like being touched by trash."

Koishi : " Oh but you're the one who should be moving away, because Mr Hat told me that you have tons of diseases. Could you be a lamb and go die somewhere else~?"

Kokoro : " What did you say?! Well then you're a bitch! The same bitch that stole my Mask of Hope the last time, seriously you're just an annoying bug!"

Koishi : " (smug) Oh what's that Mr Hat? You're saying this dancing prostitute can go and show her disgusting body to a crowd full of perverted loli-cons? She's quite a spoil brat isn't she nii-san-"

Koishi : " (smug) Oh what's that Mr Hat? You're saying this dancing prostitute can go and show her disgusting body to a crowd full of perverted loli-cons? She's quite a spoil brat isn't she nii-san-"

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Kokoro : " Stop talking! Listen (Y/N)-nii this girl is bad news, she doesn't understand proper empathy for others. She's a mindless monster-!"

Koishi : " Well aren't you being a irritating fly buzzing around my beloved nii-san~! A whore such as yourself should know proper manners!"

Kokoro : " Oh now you want to fight me? As expected of a mindless bitch, latching too anything like a filthy parasite!"


Kokoro : " *holds her weapon with murderous intent~* I'll butcher you alive and skin off your face, it will look really pretty on my wall!"

Koishi : " Uuuuuuu how scary~ So sending out death threats and holding a sharp stick is gonna frighten me? Mr Hat said you're very morbid."

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