Chapter 9 : Puttin On The Ritz

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~music plays in the background, the story of a sixteen year old boy leaving his previous life behind~

Date : 1st March 20XX - Late Morning

Location : Forest of Magic - Somewhere near the Misty Lake

Kazuma POV



??? : " Ayayayaya! Kazuma-san why are you all the way out here, are you planning some sort of scheme as usual again~?"

Kazuma : " Aya-chan please never question a man about his private business, it's secretive and personal beyond the simple minds of a normie such as yourself..... and I needed to get away from my master?"

Aya : " Oh so the hermit in disguise is giving you trouble or perhaps her motherly nature annoying to no end?"

Kazuma : " Listen I love Kasen-chan, but she's a bit of a Karen.... It's kinda a turn off for a man of culture."

Kazuma : " And I could ask you the same question from earlier in return, what might bring the speedy reporter of Gensokyo all the way here from Yokai Mountain? Maybe you're looking to put some dirt in someone's eye with your articles perhaps?"

Kazuma : " And I could ask you the same question from earlier in return, what might bring the speedy reporter of Gensokyo all the way here from Yokai Mountain? Maybe you're looking to put some dirt in someone's eye with your articles perhaps?"

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Aya : " Oh come on Kazuma-san~ You know I'm not that scummy and I always speak the truth when it comes to my beloved newspaper business. The Bunbunmaru Newspaper has always been at the top and it will forever will be~"

Kazuma : "............"

That's a load of bullshit Aya! We all know your stories don't come from the heart! Just yesterday some guy in the Human Village was talking trash about newspaper and then later on someone set his home a blaze.

I have a high suspicion it was you because you can't handle criticism from others, so nothing is better than burning down the house of people who wronged you...... I'm pretty sure she hired Futo to do it.

Then again I Satou Kazuma the Hermit in training won't be apart of these matters, thanks to my veteran NEET skills I can enjoy the life I truly deserve for all my hard work.

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