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The days have gone well...

I've been studying with Jamuo, we're not making much progress, but it's fun.

"So does that number go on there?" He asks me, pointing to the notes on the paper.

"I have no idea..."

Then we looked at each other and started laughing.

Tsukasa always asks me about my books, I don't think he's really interested but he knows it makes me happy.

"So she remembered everything?" Tsukasa asked me as I told her about the book I was reading.

"She didn't remember, but she had seen it... like some kind of recording, so she assumed it was the same boy."

"Wow, how clever." He muttered.

And then there was Fujio, who seemed intent on getting to know my taste in music.

"Do you know the names of all of them?!" Fujio asked me in surprise, about one of the Kpop group that I like.

"Yes, I was so proud to meet one of each, both in looks and a bit of personality."

"What's your favorite?"

"This one." I zoomed in on the boy's face on the phone's screen. "He's Japanese."

"But isn't the group Korean?" He was even more confused.

There were also the first and second year boys, I don't talk to them much, but whenever I pass by they greet me, not in a polite way. It's more like random screams followed by smiles.

Yasushi just nodded and Kyoshi was kinder, I mean in his own way.

The trainings really got worse. Murayama said I needed strength for my punches to hurt, so he made me do push-ups with a bag full of something heavy on my back, I was afraid to ask what was inside. I also hit the punching bag again, but every five minutes Murayama would say my posture was wrong, but I was sure i don't changed positions.

I was getting more and more tired and I tried hard not to sleep at school.

Now I was going alone to Oya, because everyone already knew me and nobody who wasn't from there would dare to pass by. Today the skies were cloudy, but I thought I would be fast enough, but when I was arriving, it started to rain not much strong but enough to soak me. I ran into the school as fast as I could, I stopped when I reached a covered place, my clothes stuck to my body and I was cold. I should have gone home when I had the chance, but my head thinks a lot before acting and then Murayama saw me in the hallway.

"What are you doing standing there?" He looked at my state and chuckled. "I see you don't have an umbrella."

"I can't train today." I said while I had the courage.

"Why not?" He yelled. "I'm not your tutor, I won't fit in with your schedule."

"Look at me!" I whined, without uncrossing my arms. "My clothes are...uncomfortable at the moment."

Murayama stared at me for a few moments, before letting out an irritated sigh. "Let's not waste your time or mine." He rolled his eyes and took off the jacket he was wearing. It has a bird drawn on the back and Japan is written, in pretty letters over the design, all the details in gold, most of the jacket is blue, the sleeves are white. I never paid attention to it, but it's beautiful.

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