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This story reached 7k views!  I still can't believe that a story I wrote in my little notebook at school during a boring class reached this level.  I want to thank everyone who read, voted and all the amazing comments I get, it makes me so happy and emotional!

Thank you very much and happy reading 💚

Doka's mother let me sleep at her house and I haven't slept so well in a long time

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Doka's mother let me sleep at her house and I haven't slept so well in a long time.  Without feeling guilty, as if a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

I was very apprehensive when I went home today to change for school, but my parents weren't there.  I looked in every room to make sure, they didn't leave a note either, i think i know why.

After putting on the uniform, Ryo calls me, I put the cell phone on my shoulder and held it with my head, while I finished getting ready.

"Hi...hi, Ryo!"

"Hi. Are you busy?" I hear his voice over the phone, I missed him even though I saw him yesterday.

"No, of course not..." As if on purpose my phone fell out while I was trying to tie my shoelaces.  I quickly picked it up and put it to my ear again. "Sorry the phone fell out of my hand."

"It's okay...I just called because I missed your voice."

My heart sped up a little.

"So...anything new?" He asked me, since I didn't answer automatically, I fumbled thinking about his face.

"Well, I told my parents the truth."


"Yes!" I replied smiling. "But this is something I want to talk about in person."

"I also want to see you in person. We could hang out later." Ryo was trying his best to sound natural, but I could see his nervousness.

While talking to Ryo I looked under the bed.  My clothes are mostly there, some I managed to hide in the closet, I took my yellow jacket and put it in my backpack, but keep looking for something specific.

"I would love to."I finally understand what people mean by butterflies in stomach, whenever I talk to Ryo I feel that way, even after yesterday. "Is there somewhere you want to go?"

"Wherever you want, as long as I'm with you."

"Have you always been like this? Because I don't remember you saying such nice things before." I said teasingly.

"I'm sure I've always been like this, you must have forgotten."  I laughed imagining his smile.

"But…would this be a date?"

I heard Ryo sigh through the phone. "If you want to..."

"I want. How about you?" I replied without stopping to think.

"I also want."

After a long farewell, as none of us wanted to say goodbye first.  I rummaged around until I found the piece of blue cloth, the bandana Murayama had given me.

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