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We were in the pool area at Oya, Motoaki was frying Yakisoba, I was hungry and the smell was so good that I took it as soon as he offered it.  Everyone except Tsukasa was eating.

Without realizing it we made a circle around Fujio, I was sitting on the arm of the couch, while Fujio was sitting in the middle, occupying two seats, to my right were Yasushi and Kiyoshi, to our left Nakagoshi sitting at a small table and Nakaoka sitting at a cooler.

The topic, once again, was Rao.

"It's the truth!"Fujio replied, when the others doubted that he was really Rao's friend.

The others laughed, but still looked at Tsukasa as if asking him to claim it was a lie.

"Is true." Tsukasa confirmed.

"No chance! With Rao? The guy is a total monster!" Nakaoka spoke with his mouth full of food.

"You're wrong! He's an incredible man! A true champion of justice!" Jamuo chimed in excitedly.

"Is that true, 𝒞ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑢?" Yasushi asked looking at me.

I finished swallowing what I was chewing so I could speak. "Yes, it's true. Rao is like a hero."

"Ah!" Kyoshi shouted. "Do you think he's more amazing than us?!"

"That's not what I said! You are my brothers, you will always come first." I refuted immediately.

"So you only think we're cool because you like us?!" Nakagoshi said, followed by a chorus of screams.

"God!" I said laughing, thinking I should have kept quiet.

"This food is a masterpiece!" Kyoshi suddenly changed the subject. "I want more, Motoaki!"

Kyoshi and Yasushi got up, desperate for more food.

"If there's any left over I'll also want more, this is so good!" I said smiling.

"Of course! Of course!"Motoaki replied to me, very focused on frying the food .

"Is it okay if we eat it all?" Fujio asked.

"Okay there's a guy named Zen at work and a guy he knows messed up an order. A ton of food showed up!"Motoaki replied laughing."He asked if I knew someone who would eat it all. So I thought of you guys."

Everyone celebrated and laughed, I love these moments, with everyone together .

Then Todoroki arrived, as almost always accompanied by Shibaman and Tsuji.

"Look at all these fools, eating Yakisoba," Tsuji said as he looked around.

Motoaki asked if any of them wanted some, but instead of answering, Shibaman said. "We saw some guys from Kamasaka on the bus this morning."

"Kamasaka? Why would they be here?" Yasushi said with his full mouth. "Kamasaka is on the other side of the mountain in Tendo, right?"

"Who are these kids from Kamasaka?" I asked, stopping eating to pay attention to the answer.

"They're from a school far from here, they don't usually walk around the area." Tsukasa answered my question, he had that look of concern, Tsukasa can always see far beyond everything so that makes me apprehensive.  He got up and gave his seat to Tsuji who decided to eat Yakisoba.

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