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Oya and Housen won the fight against Kidra.

Fujio and Doka's friend returned to talk to them.

And everything went back to normal, or as normal as it can be when you're friends with Oya's boys.

I always wanted siblings since my parents are almost never home and I was alone.

I must thank God, because it was nothing like I imagined when I was a kid.

Jamuo, Fujio and Tsukasa are my brothers and best friends.

Fujio always encourages me to do anything, Tsukasa always tells me to think long and hard before doing anything, and Jamuo tells me not to do anything.

"Go do it!" Fujio told me with his mouth full of snacks.

"Do you really need to do this?" Tsukasa asked me ignoring Fujio.

"No, lady. Please don't!" Jamuo said worriedly.

"Guys...I just want to buy an NCT album..." I said after showing them a photo.

"Yeah but did you see the price?" Jamuo said, worried as ever.

Kyoshi and Yasushi are my overprotective brothers.

"If you look at her that way again..." Yasushi said grabbing the collar of a boy who passed us on the street.

"Better not wondering what will happen to you..." Kyoshi completed, looking at the boy with scary eyes.

"Let..." I said a little nervous with the situation. "Let him go..."

"Sure?" Yasushi looked at me and I nodded.

Nakagoshi and Nakaoka always invited me to listen to Hip Hop with them and their other friends.

And I even got closer to Todoroki, Shibaman and Tsuji, we played cards from time to time.

And my sister, Doka.

She and I are very different, while my voice is a whisper, her voice can be heard from miles away. She is confident in everything she does and I think about everything too much.

But still, she always listens to me, sometimes she scold me me when I think something stupid, we share lunch, we walk together and we are trying to learn new things together too.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to change the recipe?" I asked her when we were at my house trying to make a chocolate cake for her boyfriend.

"I really don't think two eggs are enough!" She screamed and my ears prickled. "Listen to me!"

Also, Furuya and Seki who always support me when I need it.  Each one in their own way.

And lastly, my older brother.  Who taught me what he knows, inspired me not to be afraid, and gave me the strangest, yet best advices I've ever received.

"Murayama!"  I find him in the room we used to train.

"It's a miracle! Oya's 𝒞ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑢 was not late!"  And of course he was being ironic.

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