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The first thing on my mind was to call Doka but that made me cry some more, so I called Ryo, I just wanted to talk to someone, but he said to wait for him at the lake where we used to throw rocks.

When Ryo arrived, I had already calmed down, but I started crying again when I told him everything that happened.  I'm a mess, I know I'll think later that I shouldn't have accepted him coming to see me like this, but for the moment I completely ignore it.

"Thanks...for listening ." I said trying to wipe my tears.

"Your friend...she told to others, that you lied ?"

"Yes...but I can't blame her, she should want to vent too." I talked a lot about my friends with Ryo, but I never mentioned any of the names and he never asked either.

"They are very important to you, aren't they?"

"They helped make me who I am now."  I said, feeling the tears coming back. "Oh! I have to stop crying!"

"No." Ryo stated, I turned and we stared at each other.

I froze, he looked beautiful in the moonlight and I've probably been staring too long.

"I must look awful right now…" I smiled awkwardly trying to ease the tension, neither of us looked away from each other.

"That would be impossible..." It's almost a whisper, but it resonates so many times in my head and we're so close.

It makes me feel even worse when I stop to think, I don't deserve compliments from a handsome guy when I've been so mean to my friends.  So I  looked away.

An uncomfortable silence, long enough for me to think he must think I was rejecting him.

"I guess your parents wouldn't like me either, would they?"

I looked at him again and we both smiled, small, tired smiles.

"Probably not..." I said. "Perhaps if you dress like a businessman..."

After we stopped laughing, I looked out over the lake, thinking about everything that had happened.

"I think the worst part is knowing they don't trust me anymore...how do I get that back?"

Ryo run a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry I didn't know how to help you..." He turned to face me again and I looked into his eyes too, they had a gleam of their own.  I looked at Moon when I thought he had given up on talking.

Then I felt it, his arm around my waist, bringing me closer to him.

"Okay?" Ryo asked and I nodded.

Slowly, I rested my head on his shoulder, I looked at the landscape, the moon, the lake and the boy beside me.  Such a good feeling, even though I just wanted to cry, Ryo made me feel comfortable in that moment.

  Such a good feeling, even though I just wanted to cry, Ryo made me feel comfortable in that moment

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